Change log

IBM® Safer Payments includes critical, major, and minor defect fixes, APARs, and changes.

Critical defects

The following critical defects were fixed:

  • If both deferred writing and Reduce DDC access for mergings are enabled, the write cycle can take a long time. The problem occurs when a large volume of mergings happen that are in the MDC range but they are already written to disk. Also, debug log message 4 now displays the correct number of records that were modified by mergings (APAR PO10121).
  • A crash might occur when case actions are sent that include query values that display as n/a or Data accessible only in DDC (APAR PO10133).

Major defects and changes

The following major defects were fixed and major changes were made:

  • The user interface might freeze if a table shows many columns, for example, in mappings. Now, columns are, by default, limited to 40. If needed, increase the limit in the table settings. Tables now load faster (APAR PO10029).
  • If the MQGET timeout is set to a high value, a long timeout occurs when interfaces are deactivated. Now, the maximum MQGET timeout is 3000 ms. A new field, Repeat empty MQGET, has been added to Cluster > Configuration > Instance > MQ Interface. It defines how many times the timeout is repeated and avoids reconnections to MQ. For example, if MQGET is set to 3000 ms and Repeat empty MQGET is set to 20, the timeout is 600,000 ms (APAR PO10111).
  • When the Ctrl+S shortcut is used in the user interface, changes to condition and conclusion expressions are not saved correctly if the expression field is still in focus. The value from the previous field is saved in the expression rather than the changed expression. The same problem occurs when an empty expression in a list expression is saved (APAR PO09650).
  • A crash might occur during golive. Error message E 0063 is written in the log files. The problem occurs when an index is created and an orphan sequence is included due to an incorrect condition (APAR PO10109).
  • Simulation allocates memory for inherited noninput attributes. The allocation is unnecessary.
  • In simulation query, noninput attributes are empty if the data is not available in MDC (APAR PO10017).
  • A crash might occur if a query count is running and the API is interrupted (APAR PO10112).
  • On Administration > System > User > Enable system account , a value that you enter in Allow system users from IP appears to be saved but it is not.
  • After the reset index, rebuild index, and re-create index jobs are run, filled indexes cannot be populated (APAR PO10040).
  • On Monitoring > Defined risk list entries > Defined risk list entries, the save icon is disabled after saving an entry with an invalid operator in the condition. For, the save icon is hidden.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Transaction enrichment > Mergings, an undefined error is issued if a merging with collusions is created and always is selected in Store source.
  • On Model > [mandator] > Revision overview > Revision Control > Compare Revisions, the name of the changed rule is displayed as undefined. Also, the name of the unchanged rule is not displayed correctly. The problem happens when a revision is compared to an older revision (APAR PO10013).
  • After a logical golive on a submandator is run and then end of day jobs are run, key performance indicators and status alarm indicators cause unrecoverable errors and do not compute. The problem occurs if the indicators are defined on a top mandator that uses an attribute from the submandator in a condition (APAR PO10123).
  • On Model > [mandator revision] > Modeling > Analyses > Attributes, attribute intervals are not displayed correctly (APAR PO10124).
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings > Cluster settings, improved the error message that is displayed when you try to create an instance with an ID that is outside the allowed range of 1 to 7.
  • When a page in the user interface is read only, icons that should be clickable, for example, the help icon, are not clickable. Other icons, for example, section toggle checkboxes, are not clickable as expected but are not disabled (APAR PO09864, PO10137).
  • On Investigation > Queries > Queries > Queries > [query] > Extended masterdata query, after selecting an index, the masterdata that is associated with the lower mandators does not appear in Search conditions. It also does not appear in the Extended Masterdata Results Settings section even though the user has privileges to see it.
  • On Administration > Jobs > Settings > [report generation job], results cannot be downloaded if the API is disabled on a BDI (batch data interface) instance. Also, multiple types of jobs cannot be opened in view mode if the API is disabled (APAR PO08707).
  • A crash might occur when nested XML is loaded on the BDI with multiple threads. Also, backtraces might occur if XML that has no closing tags, for example, an XML header, is used together with a nested XML parser in BDI job files (APAR PO10101, PO10102).
  • On Investigations > Queries > Extended masterdata query, a misleading unrecoverable error occurs if the selected masterdata for the result column was removed or disabled for query conditions during golive.
  • Queries and simulations include transaction records that they should not. The problem is due to how absolute and relative server times are resolved during data selection (APAR PO10161).
  • When a case is written to FLI, all case alarms are also written. Therefore, the usage of FLI buffer is unnecessarily increased. Now, only the case alarm with the highest score is written to FLI.
  • A crash might occur when a counter is deleted, and at the same time a data export job is updated.
  • A crash might occur when references are deleted or created for the same element at the same time (APAR PO10157).
  • An error occurs during simulation or when a transaction is computed because internal random forest fails due to an empty categorical attribute (APAR PO10129).

Minor defects and changes

The following minor defects were fixed and minor changes were made:

  • When you click or tab out of a date field, timestamps shift forward or backward by a value that is equivalent to the user's time zone offset. The problem occurs only if European or US date formats are used. Now, dates are handled correctly and consistently for all date formats (APAR PO09719).
  • Made numerous corrections and improvements to the online help.
  • On audit trails and revision comparison outputs, improved how condition group information is organized. Now, each set of and conditions from an or condition group are together. Previously, all conditions for an element were together. The improvement affects audit trails and revision comparison outputs on Model > Revision Control > Audit Trail, Model > Revision Control > Compare Revisions, Monitoring > Defined risk lists > [select a list] > show complete audit trail, and Monitoring > Defined risk list entries > [select a list] > show complete audit trail.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Simulation, icons in the Status column of the instance assignment table are cut off.
  • On Investigation > Investigation > Case selection, the online help text is incorrectly formatted and out-of-date.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > System > Encryption, online help is missing.
  • On Cluster > Maintenance > cleanout revisions, the text description in the tooltip does not explain the actual behavior. The same problem exists in the online help.
  • On Administration > Jobs settings > export data job, there is no log message if the job is canceled.
  • On Administration > Mandators > Settings > [mandator] > Python Code Execution, the online help refers to RHEL 7. RHEL 7 is no longer supported as of version 6.5.x.
  • When an instance starts, release information and the instance ID are not written to any configuration file. Now, the information is written to the iris.iris file. The information is useful when debugging problems.
  • On Model > [mandator revision] > Scoring engine > Model Component, the online help contains grammatical mistakes.
  • On Model > [mandator revision] > Scoring engine > Model Component > [PMML component] > PMML Model Import, the tooltip does not match behavior. The same problem occurs in the online help.
  • On Model > [mandator revision] > Postprocessing > Final ruleset, the text for the tooltip for the Add new icon is incorrectly formatted.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > System internals > General information, the timestamp for deferred writing has no time zone information.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > Misc > Event log messages, Maximum records shown (records) and Default view period (seconds) accept negative values. The same problem occurs for other configuration fields.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Event log messages > [Event log message], the online help contains unrelated sections.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Common point queries, the Save icon works correctly. However, the Save and execute icon can be clicked even if the query is incomplete.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > System > Deferred writing, a misleading error message is displayed if deferred writing is enabled. The problem occurs if there is not enough memory to enable deferred writing.
  • On Model > [challenger mandator] > Golive, the golive report sometimes does not display the correct operational message. The problem occurs, for example, when the DDC for attributes with System time meta attribute is too small.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings, table icons are misaligned. The same problem occurs for other tables.
  • The audit log that is generated during golive contains a misspelling.
  • On Cluster > Maintenance > [set MDC/DDC sizes], an error message incorrectly displays. The problem occurs if the selected revision is not a challenger.
  • On Model > [mandator revision] > Transaction enrichment > Masterdata, the online help for Forward to external system is missing.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Rule scoring, the Commit changes to all rules confirmation message contains incorrectly formatted text.
  • If the setOffline request is performed twice, the second run might take many hours to finish (APAR PO10117).
  • On Cluster > [instance] > Interfaces > Application Program Interface, online help is missing for Incoming connection limit. The online help is also missing for the same setting on the Message Command Interface tab.
  • On Model > [mandator revision] > Modeling > Test Sandbox, the online help is out of date. It describes elements in the old user interface.
  • On Investigation > Case selection > [case], the Masterdata tab does not show if only one multivalue masterdata is enabled for the card.
  • Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1w. Updated Libcurl to 8.4.0 on the server.
  • On Administration > User management > Accounts > [user] > Global Privileges, if System configuration is set to View, the user can edit the system configuration pages. The user should be able to only view the pages.