Update information

IBM® Safer Payments includes changes that might require you to take action.

Read relevant update information

Compare the current operational version to the version that you want to install. Read update information topics that are relevant to your situation.

If you install a... Read update information topics for ... For example, if the version changes from ... Read update information topics for...
Fix pack All fix packs between the two versions to and up to
Major release The target version up to the fix pack that you are installing 6.2.x to and 6.3.x up to
Major release and skip one major release The major release for the skipped version and all topics in the target version up to the fix pack that you are installing 6.1.x to,, and 6.3.x up to
Major release and skip multiple major releases The major release for the skipped versions and all topics in the target version up to the fix pack that you are installing 6.0.x to,,, and 6.3.x up to Update information

  • Introduced a user-configurable search depth. It is used for tuning the system performance regarding the remote lookup index search. It defines the maximum number of records that are checked on the index sequence when it searches for the target record.
  • Broken query files no longer prevent a startup. Additionally, erroneous files that cannot be loaded during startup are now renamed from xxx.iris to xxx.error. Log message 856 is written.
  • If MCI bypass is enabled and active, the instance now responds with status Ok/Bypass instead of the actual instance status. This usually happens during golive or other maintenance mode activities. Also, the instance no longer mixes different headers. If an HTTP header is sent, IBM Safer Payments uses only this information for bypass forwarding.
  • The fields lockTimeoutSeconds and lockTimeoutCountdownThresholdSeconds in the saveSettings request have been updated to be named activityBasedSessionTimeoutSeconds and activityBasedSessionTimeoutCountdownThresholdSeconds.
  • Previously there was a mandator parameter that needed to be sent in with the confirmGolive API request. This parameter is no longer used.
  • Improved the function that converts a time string to a UTC timestamp. Its results were incorrect in certain time zones. The function is used by the jobs scheduler for monthly jobs, group by queries, reporting queries, and certain merchant monitoring reports (ones with intervals in the reports). If you use these features and are in a timezone with a 30-minute offset, for example, Portugal, your results after the upgrade will be slightly different. In particular, you might need to change the time of your monthly jobs.