Update information

IBM® Safer Payments includes changes that might require you to take action.

Read relevant update information

Compare the current operational version to the version that you want to install. Read update information topics that are relevant to your situation.

If you install a... Read update information topics for ... For example, if the version changes from ... Read update information topics for...
Fix pack All fix packs between the two versions to and up to
Major release The target version up to the fix pack that you are installing 6.2.x to and 6.3.x up to
Major release and skip one major release The major release for the skipped version and all topics in the target version up to the fix pack that you are installing 6.1.x to,, and 6.3.x up to
Major release and skip multiple major releases The major release for the skipped versions and all topics in the target version up to the fix pack that you are installing 6.0.x to,,, and 6.3.x up to Update information

  • To use external models, it is required to have the Primary URID,Primary instance ID, and URID computation complete meta attributes and the fraud mark index.
  • Review the definition of remote look up indexes. Ideally, the remote lookup index should provide a value for every transaction. Otherwise, it is possible to see occasional empty values for reporting attributes in case investigation (cases table, case history, case actions, external queries, CPPs) when values are not stored in the case data but need to be read from the transactional data of the case alarm. This does not affect embedded investigation queries.
  • The option of record purged entries is automatically enabled if the purged outdated entries is enabled.
  • The attribute system time of the server response of a message of type JSON now uses the same date format as messages of type XML. This means that the format changed from yyyy-m-d to yyyy-mm-dd, so days and months with a single digit now contain a preceding 0.
  • In past versions, unnecessary attributes were simulated, resulting in additional memory requirements because rules and final rules were automatically added to the simulation if they change the same conclusion attribute as a rule selected for analysis. Now, only selected rules are simulated. If all rules affecting a certain attribute are required (the previous behaviour), make sure to explicitly enable this attribute for simulation in Model>Modelling>Attribute settings.