Getting started with the IBM SaaS Console

From the IBM SaaS Console, manage your subscriptions and instances. What you can do in the console depends on how your product's administration features are set up.

Accessing the SaaS Console

Subscription owners and admins can access the IBM SaaS Console. If you need access, ask an owner or admin for an invitation.

Managing your subscriptions

Manage or upgrade your subscription plan as needed according to the subscription status.

Table: Subscription statuses
Subscription status Expectation
Active The subscription is current and available.
Expired The subscription is expired. If you are on a trial plan, to resume usage with the current data, upgrade to a paid plan. If you are on a paid plan, to resume usage with the current data, renew the subscription.
Suspended The subscription is suspended due to business reasons. For more details, contact sales or open a ticket.

If the usage limit is exceeded, Allotted usage exceeded appears under Payment tier. Usage of the product might be limited, or added charges might apply to using the product. If you are on a trial plan, to resume usage with the current data, upgrade to a paid plan by clicking Buy subscription. If you are on a paid plan, either upgrade the plan by clicking Manage subscription or wait until the period renews.

Managing access to the console

In the console, manage owner and admin access to subscriptions and trials.

  1. From the Subscriptions page, click Manage access. The Manage access page opens.
  2. From the Manage access page, click Invite users. The Invite users pane opens.
  3. To invite a user, enter the user's email address and assign a role.
    • A Viewer can view instances of a subscription and check instance statuses.
    • In addition to viewing instances and checking their statuses, an Admin can manage instances. Admin actions include inviting and assigning roles to other users and creating, updating, and deleting instances of a subscription.
  4. Click Add user to add another user. Enter this user's email address and select a role.
  5. Click Invite. The added users now appear on the Manage access page.
  6. To edit user information, click Edit user role, select the new role, and click Save.
  7. To remove a user, click Delete user. After the Confirm removal window opens, click Remove.

Managing instances

Each product determines the number of instances that you can provision per subscription, but you can have only one instance per trial subscription.

  1. From the Subscriptions page, click the link that shows the number of instances. The Instances tab opens and shows the instances for that subscription.
  2. Click Create instance. The Create instance page opens.
  3. Select the Region and enter the Instance name.
  4. Click Create. The instance appears under the Instances tab, and the instance count increases on the Subscriptions page.
  5. To view details about an instance, click the instance row. A panel opens with more information about the instance.
  6. To delete an instance, open the options in the instance row and click Delete. The Confirm deletion window opens. Confirm that you want to delete the instance by entering the instance name. This option is disabled for trial instances.

Viewing billing and usage

For services that record usage, you can go to the Subscriptions page and click the Billed usage tab to view subscription usage.

  • Usage is displayed according to allotment periods. The current period appears first.
  • Click a year to view the months within it. Previous years are collapsed by default.
  • A warning appears where overage occurs. If your subscription is in overage, you still have access to product features, but overage charges might apply.
  • If an error about loading the data appears, refresh the page to fetch subscription usage again.

Viewing instance statuses

On the Subscriptions page, the following statuses can appear:

Table: Instance statuses
Instance status Expectation
Active The instance is active, and the actions for your subscription type are available.
Deleting The instance is being deleted.
Expired The instance expired. Upgrade or renew the subscription to continue to use the instance.
Expiring The instance is expiring. Upgrade or renew the subscription to continue to use the instance.
Provisioning The instance is being created.
Running You can take any available action with the instance.
Restoring Instance data is being restored.
Resuming The instance is resuming an action.
Stopped The instance is stopped because of an unactive subscription.
Suspended The instance is suspended, and actions are disabled or unavailable.
Suspending The instance is being suspended.
Unexpiring The instance is being renewed from the Expired or Expiring states.
Updating After you upgrade an instance, the instance takes time to update.

If an error occurs, one of the following error statuses appears:

Table: Errors
Error Cause
Delete error A problem occurred during the deletion of an instance.
Expire error A problem occurred while an instance was expiring.
Provisioning error A problem occurred during the provisioning of the instance, and the instance failed to provision.
Restore error A problem occurred while an instance was being restored.
Resume error A problem occurred while an instance was resuming an action.
Suspend error A problem occurred while an instance was suspended.
Upgrade error A problem occurred while an instance was upgrading.
Unexpire error A problem occurred while an instance was being renewed.

If an error occurs, and you no longer need the instance data, you can delete the instance and create another one.

Viewing service statuses

The status dashboard provides a summary of all your services. To view this dashboard, open the navigation menu and click Status. The Status page opens and shows Current status. Log in to view other tabs.

  • The Current status table shows your products and any related incidents. Expand a product to see Current location status, Ongoing events, and 30-day history.
  • The Planned maintenance tab shows information about updates that might cause outages.
  • The Announcements tab displays information about incidents such as test announcements.
  • The History tab provides a record of past updates and outages.
  • The Incident reports tab lists products with relevant impact reports.
  • Click Report outage to open a case.

Troubleshooting the IBM SaaS Console

Why doesn't my instance appear in the SaaS Console?

  • After you create an instance, check the SaaS Console after a few minutes. An instance might take time to appear.
  • If the instance still doesn't show up, contact support.

Why doesn't billing and usage information appear?

Not all services that include the IBM SaaS Console display billed usage. If you do not see billing and usage information, it might be because your product or service is not set up to display this data.

How do I upgrade a subscription?

From your trial subscription, go to the subscription listing in the SaaS Console and click Buy subscription. You cannot have both a trial and a paid subscription for the same product at the same time.

How do I get support in the SaaS Console?

From the Assistance panel, click Additional support. Then, click Submit and manage tickets. The support site opens.