The registration.xml file in RTCP_install_directory\httptcp contains the configuration settings for the HTTP/TCP proxy.
General configuration settings
Element | Description |
server | This setting defines the address of the Rational® Test Control Panel instance. The host name and port number are specified as part of the installation process. The default is port 7819. If your Rational Test Control Panel installation is using a different host name or port number, edit the base-url attribute accordingly. |
logger level | This setting defines the activity logging level to present to the Rational Test Control Panel instance. The level attribute must be set to one of the following: debug, error, info or warning. |
identifier | This setting is for specifying a name for this proxy. This makes it easier to identify a specific proxy when there are two or more proxies of the same type are registered with Rational Test Control Panel. By default, this setting is commented out. Therefore, to use this setting, you must first uncomment it and then edit the identifier name. . |
statistics | The initial statistics gathering state for the proxy. HTTP (http-initial-state) and TCP (tcp-initial-state) initial states are controlled separately. If the initial state is on, the Observation level for this intercept in Rational Test Control Panel is set to Statistics when the intercept first registers with Rational Test Control Panel. If the initial state is off, the Observation level for this intercept in Rational Test Control Panel is set to None when the intercept first registers with Rational Test Control Panel. |
domains | This setting defines the domains that this proxy instance will be registered against. A proxy does not need to register against a domain or environment. By default it will proxy for all domains and environments. To restrict its use, add <domain> entries based on the example given. Each domain can have 0 or more environments. |
observed-resources | This setting enables you to specify which file extensions are used by the
HTTP/TCP proxy when analyzing observed URLs to determine which resources in its traffic can be
ignored when collecting observation data. You can use one or more regular expressions to configure
the exclude extension settings. If URLs do not contain file extensions, they are
included in the observed resources.
Note: If URLs do not contain any file extensions that are
specified, they are included in the observed resources.
reporting frequency | By default, observations are reported by the proxy every 10 seconds. If you increase the reporting interval, fewer observation messages are sent over the network, but the data is not available to Rational Integration Tester as frequently. The value is specified in seconds, and values between 5 and 30 are allowed. |
HTTP configuration settings
Attribute | Description |
port |
3128 is the default port number where the HTTP/TCP proxy
listens for HTTP traffic. Any client applications that communicate with the proxy must also be set
to the same port. If this port number is already in use on the computer where the proxy is being installed, you must enter a different port number. Otherwise, changing the default port number is optional. |
bind-address |
This setting is optional for multihomed computers with more than one IP address. Default setting: Blank (meaning "all"). |
disableConnectForwarding | By default, the proxy forwards the HTTPS connect request that is received on
the HTTP port to the HTTPS part of the proxy. With this setting enabled, applications can use the
same proxy port for both HTTP and HTTPS connections. This default setting can be turned off by changing the disableConnectForwarding attribute value to true. By default, this attribute is set to false. |
Chained proxy configuration settings
In a chained proxy, the user is already connected to the live server by means of a proxy, and the Rational Integration Tester HTTP proxy must connect to the user's proxy. To configure a chained proxy, uncomment the <proxy> element within the <http-proxy> element and specify values for the host and port attributes. You can optionally specify values for the username and password attributes to perform a preemptive authentication and a filter to include or exclude specific hosts.
Attribute | Description |
host |
The host name of the existing proxy that you want to connect to. |
port |
The port name to connect to on the existing proxy. |
username |
A valid user name for the existing proxy server. These credentials are used to provide preemptive BasicAuthentication to the chained proxy. If any other form of authentication is needed, omit these attributes or leave them blank, and the request will flow back to the client application from which the credentials can be sourced. |
password | A valid password for the user that is specified in the username attribute. |
filter | A set of hosts for which requests should be routed through the chained proxy. For information about creating a filter string, see Host filters for chained proxies. If you do not include the filter attribute, all requests are routed through the chained proxy. |
useWhenStubbing | In Rational Integration Tester versions
prior to, requests to a stub would first go to the chained proxy. From version
onwards, you can use the useWhenStubbing parameter to control whether the chained
proxy is used. By default, the parameter is set to false, which means two things:
HTTPS configuration settings
Attribute | Description |
port |
3129 is the default port number where the HTTP/TCP proxy listens for HTTPS traffic. Any client applications that communicate with the proxy must also be set to the same port. If this port number is already in use on the computer where the proxy is being installed, you must enter a different port number. Otherwise, changing the default port number is optional. |
bind-address |
This setting is optional for multihomed computers with more than one IP address. Default setting: Blank (meaning "all"). |
serverProtocol | The protocol that the secure server socket uses. Default value: SSL_TLS, TLS. |
keyStoreFile |
The value of the keyStoreFile attribute is set to greenhat.jks, which is included with the HTTP/TCP proxy. Ordinarily, it is not necessary to specify and use a different Java™ keystore (JKS). However, you might need to specify and use a different JKS if you want to use your own generated certificate that is already trusted by the client applications or if a specific certificate in the specified JKS was created incorrectly. |
keyStoreType |
It might be necessary to specify and use a different keystore file type if you want to use a keystore file other than greenhat.jks. Default value: jks. |
keyStoreAlias |
Each certificate in a JKS is associated with a unique alias. If the JKS greenhat.jks is used, the default value of the keyStoreAlias attribute is mykey. However, if a different JKS is used, a different alias must be specified. |
keyStorePassword |
A JKS protects private keys with a password. The default keystore password for Trusted Client Certificates is passphrase. |
signingAlgorithm |
The algorithm that is used when signing certificates. Default value: SHA1withRSA. |
plainCommsPort |
The port that is used to handle plain text to SSL communications. Default value: 3130. |
clientProtocol | The protocol that the onward secure connection uses. Default value: SSL_TLS, TLS. The specified default options are checked for availability. SSL_TLS protocol is supported by the IBM® JRE and, if it is unavailable, the TLS protocol is used. |
outboundKeyStoreFile |
The file that contains public and private keys that are used by the proxy to identify itself during mutual authentication. Default value: greenhat.jks. |
outboundKeyStorePassword |
The password that is required to access the keystore that is used during mutual authentication. The default keystore password for Trusted Client Certificates is passphrase. |
Secure chained proxy configuration settings
In a chained proxy, the user is already connected to the live server by means of a proxy, and the Rational Integration Tester HTTPS proxy must connect to the user's proxy. To configure a chained proxy, uncomment the <proxy> element within the <https-proxy> element and specify values for the host and port attributes. You can optionally specify values for the username and password attributes to perform a preemptive authentication and a filter to include or exclude specific hosts.
See Table 6 for a description of these attributes.
TCP configuration settings
The basic port forwarding rules. The proxy listens on the address that is specified by the bind attribute and by default forwards traffic on to the destination address. The type attribute indicates how the contents will be treated when making recording and routing decisions.
Attribute | Description |
bind |
Each base, or default, route is specified in a forward element and you can configure as many as you need. bind refers to the HTTP/TCP proxy’s listening port forwarder and optional bind address. Port numbers 2000 and 2001 are example port numbers where a HTTP/TCP proxy listens for TCP traffic. If 2000 or 2001 is already in use, you must enter a different port number. A port number for a bind address can be any number in the range 0-65535. Note: For Linux or UNIX environments, the proxy needs to be running as root user
to bind to port numbers less than 1024.
destination |
destination refers to the base destination address, that is, the intended destination of TCP traffic from a source if there are no routing rules. Port numbers 3000 and 3001 are example TCP port numbers where the target application is listening for TCP traffic from a client application. A port number for a destination address can be any number in the range 0-65535. |
type |
The optional type attribute can be used to enable more protocol-specific features, such as content-based routing. The following values are possible for type:
Note: The default value is tcp. Any other value is ignored, causing all TCP
traffic to be forwarded as raw TCP data..
If you selected the Install Service and Start on Boot options for the HTTP/TCP proxy while you are installing Rational Test Control Panel (by default, those settings are selected in Installation Manager), you must restart the proxy.
For example, if you are using Microsoft Windows, open the Services applet in Control Panel and restart the IBM RIT HTTP Proxy Windows service.