It is usual for a service or other endpoint to be included in more than one domain because it is reused by different business projects in different contexts. Thus, a domain is used as a means to group and manage assets in IBM Rational Test Control Panel. For example, unique business groups within an organization might want to manage stubs independently from each other.
A domain can contain one or more environments. An environment enables users to define groups of variables or tags that can be used in both tests and in transport definitions.
Typically, environments are used to create configurations for different parts of a software product development workflow, such as development, quality assurance, and user acceptance testing. Each project might define a domain, for example, billing domain or customer management domain.
Environments are not created directly within Rational Test Control Panel. Instead, they are created automatically when stubs are published from IBM Rational Integration Tester because stubs are published into an environment within a domain. Ensure that you define each environment in Rational Integration Tester correctly. This environment name is published to Rational Test Control Panel and is used by all the users that are publishing to that domain.