Installing a Java virtualization agent into a Java application

To enable the Java™ virtualization agent to capture Java method calls being used by a Java application, the agent must be loaded into the application's Java virtual machine (JVM). To load the agent into the application's JVM, modify the startup parameters of the application.

About this task

The greenhat.javaagent.jar and greenhat.javaagent.linkage.jar files in <Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack installation directory>\JavaVirtualization\agent must always be colocated. Otherwise, the Java virtualization agent will not work correctly.
Note: The registration.xml file in <Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack installation directory>\JavaVirtualization\agent does not have to be colocated with the JAR files, but by default, it is assumed that the file is colocated with the JAR files. If you want to put the registration.xml file in a different location, you will need to specify the path to the file when installing the Java virtualization agent into a Java application.


  1. Edit the invocation command line or define a system environment property to specify the location of the Java virtualization agent as follows:
    @SET JAVA_AGENT=<Rational Integration Tester Platform Pack installation directory>\JavaVirtualization\agent\greenhat.javaagent.jar
  2. Edit the invocation command line to include the javaagent parameter when launching the JVM as follows:
    "%JAVA_HOME\bin\java" "-javaagent:%JAVA_AGENT%" –jar <Java application name>.jar
  3. If you want to use the Java virtualization agent with an application server such as IBM® WebSphere® Application Server that has a Java 2 Security Manager, the agent might not run and the application server might fail to start unless you configure the Security Manager correctly.
    To configure a Java 2 Security Manager to work with the Java virtualization agent, add a permission of the following format to the server.policy file:
    grant codeBase "file:<Java virtualization agent installation path>/greenhat.javaagent.jar" {
    Note: If using WebSphere Application Server, the server.policy file is located in ${was.install.root}/profiles/${}/properties.


Before you can capture any Java method calls in the Recording Studio perspective, you must create a Java method transport in IBM Rational® Integration Tester.
