RSCT port usage

The tables comprising this topic summarize the service definitions for the RSCT components.

For each service definition, the following information is shown:
Service name
Specifies the service name. The service names shown are examples of how the names may appear in the /etc/services file.
Port number
Specifies the port number used for the service.

A value with an asterisk (*) as a suffix indicates that the port number can be customized, and that the default is shown.

Protocol name
Specifies the transport protocol used for the service.
Source port range
A range of port numbers used on either the client side or daemon (server) side of the service. A value of LB indicates that the source port range value should be left blank. In other words, no source port range value should be specified.
Required or optional
Whether or not the service is required.
A short description of the service.

Table 1 describes the service definition for the Topology Services subsystem.

Table 1. Service definitions for RSCT: Topology Services
Service name Port number Protocol name Source port range Required or optional
cthats 12347* UDP 1024-65535 required

Description: Network services used by Topology Services for daemon to daemon communication. Note that any firewall rules should allow BROADCAST packets to go through the cthats port.

This table shows the default port number. You can customize the port number when issuing the mkrpdomain command (as described in Creating a peer domain definition).

The Topology Services port is dynamically added in /etc/service, and is only present when the node is online in the peer domain.

Table 2 describes the service definition for the Group Services subsystem.

Table 2. Service definitions for RSCT: Group Services
Service name Port number Protocol name Source port range Required or optional
cthags 12348* UDP 1024-65535 required

Description: Network services used by Group Services for daemon to daemon communication.

This table shows the default port number. You can customize the port number when issuing the mkrpdomain command (as described in Creating a peer domain definition).

The Group Services port is dynamically added in /etc/service, and is only present when the node is online in the peer domain.

Table 3 describes the service definitions for the Resource Monitoring and Control subsystem.

Table 3. Service definitions for RSCT: Resource Monitoring and Control
Service name Port number Protocol name Source port range Required or optional
rmc 657 UDP LB required
rmc 657 TCP LB required