Connect to Microsoft MQ

Connects to a Microsoft MQ queue provider server.

Command availability: IBM RPA SaaS and IBM RPA on premises


Connects to Microsoft MQ queue provider server. You can use an existing Microsoft MQ connection by enabling the Storaged Configurations option, or configure it manually by leaving it disabled.

Script syntax

IBM RPA's proprietary script language has a syntax similar to other programming languages. The script syntax defines the command's syntax in the script file. You can work with this syntax in IBM RPA Studio's Script mode.

connectMicrosoftMQ --queueprovider(String) --address(String) --servername(String) [--queuetype(MsMqQueueType)] [--fromconfiguration(Boolean)] [--port(Numeric)] [--timeout(TimeSpan)] (Boolean)=success (QueueConnection)=value


  • You must have access to a server exposing the queue service. For Microsoft MQ, you must have access to an existing Microsoft MQ server before using this command.
  • If you enable the Storaged Configurations parameter, you must have a previously configured queue provider in the IBM RPA Control Center. See Queue Provider for more information.

Input parameters

The following table displays the list of input parameters available in this command. In the table, you can see the parameter name when working in IBM RPA Studio's Script mode and its Designer mode equivalent label.

Designer mode label Script mode name Required Accepted variable types Description
Queue Provider queueprovider Required when the Storage Configurations parameter is enabled Text Connects to a Queue Provider configured in the IBM RPA Control Center. This option only works if the Queue Provider is already registered in the IBM RPA Control Center.
Address address Required when the Storage Configurations parameter is not enabled Text URL address to connect to the server. See Direct Format Names External link for more information.
Server Name servername Required when the Storage Configurations parameter is not enabled Text The queue server's name.
Access Type queuetype Optional MsMqQueueType Type of access to the queue provider. See the queuetype parameter options for more information.
Storaged Configurations fromconfiguration Optional Boolean When enabled, you can select a queue provider previously configured in the IBM RPA Control Center.
Port port Optional Number Port number used to connect to the queue provider server.
Timeout timeout Optional Time Span Maximum waiting time for establishing a connection to the queue server.

If no value is defined, the default timeout of 5 seconds is used. It can also use the timeout value defined in the Set Timeout (setTimeout) command.

queuetype parameter options

The following table displays the options available for the queuetype input parameter. The table shows the options available when working in Script mode and the equivalent label in the Designer mode.

Designer mode label Script mode name Description
Private private Private queue type.
Public public Public queue type. To learn more about public and private queues, see Public and private queues External link.

Output parameters

Designer mode label Script mode name Accepted variable types Description
Success success Boolean Returns True if the connection contains a valid IP or hostname, otherwise returns False.
Connection value Queue Connection Returns a variable with the connection to the queue provider.


Connects to a MSMQ queue provider, according to the settings stored in the user's tenant, and returns if the server connection is valid.

defVar --name connectionValid --type Boolean
defVar --name connection --type QueueConnection
connectMicrosoftMQ --queueprovider WDGAUTOMATION --fromconfiguration  connectionValid=success connection=value
logMessage --message "Is the connection valid: ${connectionValid}" --type "Info"


  • This command does not create a new queue. You can create a new queue by creating a new variable with type Message Queue and adding items to the queue using the Enqueue (enqueue) command or by obtaining a queue previously registered in the IBM RPA Control Center.
  • The success parameter returns True if the connection is valid, but the command does not check if the connection was successfully established.