Navigating to web chat in IBM RPA on premises

You can deploy a chatbot on IBM RPA on premises. Learn how to navigate to the web chat to use the chatbot.

About this task

The Direct Line web chat channel is the default communication channel when you create a chatbot instance, referred to as web chat. You can interact with the chatbot directly on a web page using the Direct Line web chat's URL.

Before you begin

Take the following actions:

  1. Create a chatbot instance. See Creating a chatbot instance for instructions.
  2. Create a chat mapping for your IBM RPA chatbot script. See Creating a chat mapping for instructions.


  1. Navigate to the URL: https://<BOTAPIADDRESS>/integration/<BOTHANDLE>.
  2. Enter the Bot API address where is <BOTAPIADDRESS>.
  3. Enter the bot handle where is <BOTHANDLE>. Use the same bot handle you use to create your chatbot instance.


You can use the Web Chat channel to chat with the IBM RPA chatbot.

What to do next

Follow the procedures if you receive the message, "Sorry, looks like I won’t be able to answer you now, try later."

  1. Navigate to https://<BOTAPIADDRESS>/api/status/<BOTHANDLE> to verify the Bot API status.
  2. Check in the <online> XML tag if the computer entered in the chat mapping is online.
  3. Open a case in the IBM Support External link if your bot did not work.