Truncate Number

Verb: truncateNumber

Truncates a number by returning the integer part, decimal part, or by rounding it.


truncateNumber --value(Numeric) --type(TruncateType) [--decimalasinteger(Boolean)] --precision(Numeric) (Numeric)=value


Script Designer Required AcceptedTypes Description
--value Number Required Number Number to be truncated.
--type Truncation Type Required TruncateType Type of truncation to be done. Options:
  • Integer part: Extracts only the integer part of the number;
  • Decimal part: Extracts only the decimal part of the number;
  • Rounded number: Rounds the number according to Precision entered.
  • --decimalasinteger Decimal as integer Optional Boolean Returns only the numbers after the decimal point, as an integer.
    As an example, the number 5.3 will return 3.
    --precision Precision Only whenTruncation Type is Round Number Defines the number of decimal places to consider when rounding.


    Script Designer AcceptedTypes Description
    value Value Number Returns the truncated number.


    Example 1: A numeric variable called - "truncated number" - is defined, which receives the result of the truncation of the number 8.9 with the parameter Integer part selected, displaying the contents of "truncated number" in the IBM RPA Studio console with Log Message.

    defVar --name truncatedNumber --type Numeric
    truncateNumber --value 8.9 --type "IntegerPart" truncatedNumber=value
    logMessage --message "${truncatedNumber}" --type "Info"
    // 8

    Example 2: A numeric variable called- "truncated number" - is defined, which receives the result of the truncation of the number 8.9 with the parameter Decimal part selected without checking the option Decimal as integer. The contents of "truncated number" are displayed in the IBM RPA Studio console with Log Message.

    defVar --name truncatedNumber --type Numeric
    truncateNumber --value 8.9 --type "DecimalPart" truncatedNumber=value
    logMessage --message "${truncatedNumber}" --type "Info"
    // 0.9

    See Also

  • Convert Number to Text
  • Convert Text to Number
  • Decrement Variable
  • Evaluate
  • Generate Random Number
  • Increment Variable
  • Solve Linear Equations
  • Solve Linear Optimization Problem