Erlang B
Verb: erlangB
Applies the Erlang B formula using a rule of three, taking the empty field in one of the Calls per hour, Lines and Blocking probability parameters to calculate the result.
erlangB [--callsperhour(Numeric)] [--lines(Numeric)] [--blockingprobability(Numeric)] [--callretries(Numeric)] (Boolean)=success (Numeric)=blockingProbability (Numeric)=busyHourTraffic (Numeric)=lines (Numeric)=callLoss
Script | Designer | Required | AcceptedTypes | Description |
--callsperhour | Calls per hour | Optional | Number | Amount of phone calls during the busiest hours. |
--lines | Lines | Optional | Number | Number of available telephone agents. |
--blockingprobability | Blocking probability | Optional | Number | Probability of blocking a telephone line. |
--callretries | Retries | Optional | Number | Probability of retrying a previously blocked call. |
Script | Designer | AcceptedTypes | Description |
success | Success | Boolean | Returns "True" if the command executed successfully, or "False" otherwise. |
blockingProbability | Blocking probability | Number | Probability of a telephone line being blocked. |
busyHourTraffic | Calls per hour | Number | Maximum amount of calls during the busiest hour. |
lines | Lines | Number | Amount of agents needed to answer calls. |
callLoss | Missed calls | Number | Probability of missed calls. |
Applies the Erlang B, returning Blocking probability, Calls per hour, Lines and Missed calls.
defVar --name success --type Boolean
defVar --name blockingProbability --type Numeric
defVar --name lines --type Numeric
defVar --name missedCalls --type Numeric
defVar --name callsPerHour --type Numeric
// Erlang B Formula.
erlangB --callsperhour 400 --lines 40 success=success blockingProbability=blockingProbability callsPerHour=busyHourTraffic lines=lines missedCalls=callLoss
logMessage --message "Success: ${success}\r\nBlocking probability: ${blockingProbability} \r\nCalls per hour: ${callsPerHour}\r\nLines: ${lines}\r\nMissed calls: ${missedCalls}" --type "Info"
// Success: True
// Blocking Probability: 0.882
// Calls per hour: 396.792
// Lines: 47
// Missed calls: 0
The Blocking probability, Retries input parameters and the Missed calls output parameters, use decimal values from 0 to 1, going from 0% to 100%.