Editing a Dashboard

Edit your dashboard by using all options that are displayed on viewer page, such as Grid, Pivot, Chart, Pies, and other graphs. This section shows a single configuration about how to insert, filter, remove data in a graph, how to convert, and remove graph from your dashboard.

Before you begin

To follow the procedure, your user must have permission to manage dashboards.

Adding data to your dashboard

Insert data to be displayed in your dashboard by clicking in the graph that you want to edit in the Common pane. Each graph can display your data by columns, groups, filters, and other visualizations. Follow the steps to add data with the Grid graph:

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Dashboards.
  3. From the DASHBOARDS list, select the dashboard that you want to edit, and click Edit in Designer.
  4. Click Grid, in your left-side panel, to add this graph in your dashboard.
  5. Click into your graph, and in the left side, choose the option Binding to add new data.
  6. Click Data Source. This field shows the source of all values that is displayed in your dashboard. If the desired source is different, change to the correct data source before you proceed.
  7. Search Columns option, and click add column. This option enables to add different values to your graph, organizing them by columns in your dashboard.
  8. In the Binding tab, choose the value that you want to show in your graph. To add a column, click the value to add it to your graph.
    Note:If the data does not appear after you click it, you might find it behind the configuration panel. Close the binding options to be able to see your column.
  9. Optional: You can change the data formatting by selecting the options in the Binding tab.
Note: The video has no sound.

Removing data from your dashboard

Remove data from your graph by using the remove option within the graphs. Follow the steps to remove data from the graph:

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Dashboards.
  3. From the DASHBOARDS list, select the dashboard that you want to edit, and click Edit in Designer.
  4. Click your graph, and in the options bar, click Binding.
  5. Search the data that you want to remove and click its label.
  6. Click the Remove icon to erase the value.
Note: The video has no sound.

Converting graphs on your dashboard

You can modify your graph to see the data displayed in different ways. The following example shows how to change the style of your graph.

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Dashboards.
  3. From the DASHBOARDS list, select the dashboard that you want to edit, and click Edit in Designer.
  4. Click the desired graph and select Convert to.
  5. Choose the new graph style that you want to change, in Common section.
  6. Click the desired option.
Note: The video has no sound.

Removing graphs in your dashboard

You can remove graphs from your dashboard, whether you don't want to see them in your screen, or you inserted it wrong. The following action removes your graph immediately.

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Dashboards.
  3. From the DASHBOARDS list, select the dashboard that you want to edit, and click Edit in Designer.
  4. Click your graph and select Remove.
Note: The video has no sound.

Filtering data in your dashboard graphs

You can filter data by using the filter option in each graph. See an example about how to remove data in the Grid graph.

The filter includes the hidden dimensions of your graph. Learn more in How to add hidden data to your dashboard

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Dashboards.
  3. From the DASHBOARDS list, select the dashboard that you want to edit, and click Edit in Designer.
  4. Click Filters into the desired graph.
  5. Select Item filter to open the filter panel.
  6. Click Pencil to create a new filter.
  7. Click And node to define the first condition of your filter. In this option, you select the desired logical option to combine with all next conditions.
  8. Put your mouse near of the first node, click + icon, and select Condition to add the next condition of your filter.
  9. Select Condition. Three nodes open to insert the values to be filtered.
    1. Click the first node to select the value previously inserted in Column.
    2. Click Equals, and select the comparison operator.
    3. Click Enter a value to select the value to be filtered.
  10. Click Ok to see your graph with the data filtered.
Note: The video has no sound.

How to add hidden data to your dashboard graphs

You might insert hidden data to your graph to take in consideration values that don't participate directly of your visual representation. See how to insert hidden values or dimension in Grid graph.

  1. Log in to IBM RPA Control Center.
  2. From the Manage menu, click Dashboards.
  3. From the DASHBOARDS list, select the dashboard that you want to edit, and click Edit in Designer.
  4. Click Binding in your graph to open the data configuration.
  5. Click the Hidden dimension tab, and click Add dimension.
  6. Choose the value that you want to hide.
Note: The video has no sound.