Configuring the SAP login credential in IBM RPA Studio

In order for the IBM RPA Studio's recorder to interact with the SAP GUI interface controls, the recorder's SAP driver must connect to the SAP server. The permanent configuration of this connection is not mandatory.

The connection configuration takes effect only during the script creation in IBM RPA Studio by the recorder. In a production environment, the connection must occur explicitly by using the Launch SAP Application command.

You can configure the connection credential in the IBM RPA Studio options. If no configuration exists when you start the SAP driver for the IBM RPA Studio's recorder, a window prompts you to enter the connection credential. In this window, you can choose to save the configuration in the IBM RPA Studio options.

Configuring the connection credential in the options menu

  1. On the IBM RPA Studio menu bar, click Tools > Options > Credentials > SAP.
  2. Complete the fields:
    • In the Application path field, type the path to the folder where SAP GUI is installed on your computer.
    • In the Connection string field, type the name that identifies the SAP server you want to access.
    • In the User name field, type the name of your user to connect to the server.
    • In the Password field, type your user's password.
    • In the Client ID field, enter your SAP user ID.
    • In the Language field, type the language used in the SAP GUI:
      • Type en for English.
      • Type pt for Portuguese.
Note:The Connection string can vary according to your infrastructure. For example, an SAP GUI connection string with a server can consist of the SAP server application IP and the port number for communication, such as /H/

Configuring the connection credential in the recorder

With a script open in IBM RPA Studio, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Home > Start Recorder. The recorder's menu bar shows on the screen after it loads the drivers.
  2. In the Recorder menu, click the IBM RPA icon IBM RPA Studio and then click SAP. The window to configure the SAP connection credential starts. This window loads the data that is configured in the IBM RPA Studio options if any.
  3. Complete or change the fields and enable the Save option to persist the data in the IBM RPA Studio options.

See also