
The following reference list contains the documentation for the commands available in IBM RPA Studio to author scripts. The reference list follows the same view that you see in IBM RPA Studio's toolbox.

Commands are tasks that bots must do during their operation. They control the steps that bots must follow. You add commands to a script, which is a collection of commands that a bot always follows one after the other starting from line 1. Some commands resolve to actions that you can see on screen, like clicks, while others resolve to actions that happen in the background, like API calls.

Commands can have input parameters, output parameters, or both. Input parameters are values that a command use to operate. Output parameters are values that a command can return for reuse in other commands by using variables.

You author scripts in IBM RPA Studio by adding commands either by using the Designer view or the Script view. In the Designer view, you can drag commands to your script, which prompts the command editor to edit the parameters of a command. In the Script view, you type in the commands you want to use, similar to programming in any other programming language.

  • Database

    Commands that connect to databases and manage their data.

  • Base

    General commands for multiple purposes, like creating variables, handling data from specific variable types, control flow, among others.

  • Communication

    Commands to create digital assistants.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Commands to use IBM RPA's built-in AI, like training knowledge bases to answer questions or text classification models, creating and using business rules, comparing strings, and creating fuzzy logic models.

  • Natural Language

    Commands to parse strings using natural language processing models.

  • Browser

    Commands to automate tasks on a browser.

  • Terminal

    Commands to automate tasks on terminal emulators.

  • Windows

    Commands to automate tasks on Windows applications or to simulate human input.