Managing bots

Learn the tasks that you can do to manage your bots.

Before you begin

  • Configure a project. See Projects for details.
    Projects organize automation resources. Bots live under a project. In fact, to create a bot, you must create a project first.
  • Your user must have the necessary permissions to perform the procedures. You can find these permissions on each procedure. See the Checking user permissions topic to learn how to check your user permissions.
  • You can modify the Unique ID field only when you create a bot.
  • If you haven't already, set up a computer group.
    Important:Bots require computers running client version 23.0.0 or later.
  • The computer that you configure to run bots must have a Reserved runtime for queued bot runs value above 0. See details about the Reserved runtime for queued bot runs in Managing computers. In versions prior to 23.0.10, this field is labeled as Queues runtime percentage.
  • For IBM RPA on premises only:
    • IBM RPA on premises server requires a queue provider such as IBM MQ or Microsoft™ Message Queue (MSMQ) installed and operational to run bots. Check with your server administrator if your server supports one of these queue providers. The recommended message queue provider is IBM MQ.
    • If you are a server administrator, see Installing IBM MQ for instructions about how to install it. You can later change to MSMQ after you install the server.
    • If IBM MQ is not available, see the steps to enable MSMQ in Installing Message Queue (MSMQ) 🡥. You can later change to IBM MQ.

Supported data types for input and output parameters

If the script that you use to create bots does not use any of the following supported data types in the required input or output parameters, you can't use it to create bots.

The following list defines the fully supported data types for script input and output parameters of Bots:

  • Date
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Date and Time
  • Text
Important:You can't schedule bots with unsupported or partially supported data types, even if they are optional input or output parameters.

Partially supported types

Partially supported types are variable types that don't display input fields in the IBM RPA Control Center when you try to run the Bot on demand, and they must be specified using API calls.

When you try to create the bot, the IBM RPA Control Center displays a warning that the bot uses partially supported variable types, saying that the script contains variable types that are mapped, but not fully supported.

Important:You can only run bots with partially supported parameters through the IBM RPA Control Center if these parameters are optional.

The following list defines the partially supported data types for script input parameters and script output parameters of Bots:

  • Byte
  • Culture
  • Money
  • Phone Number
  • Time Span
  • URI
  • Data Table

Data Table variable types can have a defined schema. See the Define Variable (defVar) command documentation for details.

Creating bots

Your user must have the Manage bots permission to create bots. The following procedure details how to create a bot:

  1. On the left menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the project that you want to use the bot.
  3. Click the Create bot button.
  4. In Name, enter a name to the bot.
  5. Optional: Modify the auto-generated Unique ID.
  6. In Description, enter a description to the bot and click Next.
  7. In Script, select the script that has the action that the bot runs.
  8. In Version, select the version of the script.
  9. In Computer group, select one or more computers and click Next.
  10. On the Summary tab, check whether all the information is correct and click Create.

Editing bots

Your user must have the Manage bots permission to edit bots.

  1. On the left menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the project that has the bot you want to edit.
  3. Find the bot that you want to edit, click the vertical ellipsis button ⋮, and click Edit.

Deleting bots

Your user must have the Manage bots permission to delete bots.

  1. On the left menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the project that has the bot you want to delete.
  3. Find the bot that you want to delete, click the vertical ellipsis button ⋮, and click delete.
Attention:This action is irreversible.

Viewing bot runs

Your user must have the View bots permission to view bots that are scheduled to run.

  1. On the left menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the project that has the bot you want.
  3. Find the bot that you want, click the vertical ellipsis button ⋮, and click View bot runs.

Viewing schedules

Your user must have the View bots permission to view bots that are scheduled to run.

  1. On the left menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the project that has the bot you want.
  3. Find the bot that you want, click the vertical ellipsis button ⋮, and click View schedule.

Viewing upcoming bot runs

Your user must have the View bots permission to see upcoming bot runs details.

  1. On the left menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the project that has the bot you want.
  3. Find the bot that you want, click the vertical ellipsis button ⋮, and click View upcoming bot runs.

Running bots

Running bots by using the Bots API

Your user must have the Invoke bots permission to run bots by using the Bots API.

You can run bots by using the Bots API. If you use the callbackUrl parameter of the API, you need to configure the allowlist so the callback doesn't get blocked. See Security settings for details.

To run bots with a required Data Table input parameter, you must use a JSON schema of the data table with defined objects. For example:

"dataTableVar": [
    "City": "Raleigh",
    "State": "North Carolina"
    "City": "New York",
    "State": "New York"

For a step-by-step guide on running bots by using the Bots API, see the Running a bot through an API call tutorial.

Running bots from IBM RPA Control Center

Your user must have the Run bots permission to run bots through the IBM RPA Control Center.

  1. On the left menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the project that has the bot you want to run.
  3. Find the bot that you want to run, click the vertical ellipsis button ⋮, and click Run.
  4. If your bot requires input parameters, set them.
  5. Click Run.

A loading screen pops up to display the progress bar indicating the timeout for the bot to start running. After the run is completed, a notification of the bot's current state pops up at the upper right corner of the page.

If you are having issues when you try to run your bots, check the troubleshooting bots page.

Scheduling bots

Your user must have the Manage scripts permission.

  1. On the left menu, click Projects.
  2. Click the project that has the bot you want.
  3. Find the bot that you want, click the vertical ellipsis button ⋮, and click Create schedule.
  4. In Time zone
  5. In Starts on, enter the date and time the bot will start.
  6. In Recurrence, select one of the options.
    1. See Setting a recurrence interval for schedules for more details on each option.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In Name, enter a unique name to the schedule.
  9. Optional: In Description, enter a description for your schedule.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Optional: If the script contains required input parameters, enter valid values according to the variable types.
  12. On the Summary tab, check whether all the information is correct and click Create.

A notification appears if the schedule was created successfully.

  • The IBM RPA Control Center's UI shows the current time based on your browser's time zone. However, scheduled bots run on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time zone.

    To schedule your bots, convert the time to the UTC time zone and use it instead of your local time zone. For example: If you are on UTC-03:00, 11:00 AM converts to 2:00 PM in UTC. Use 2:00 PM in the scheduler.

    After you schedule your bot, the scheduled time is displayed in your local time zone.
  • You can't run bots using unsupported or partially supported data types, even if they are optional input or output parameters.