PowerShell Command

Verb: powerShell

Available from: <Standard>

Executes a command written in the Windows PowerShell language.


powerShell [--handleerror(Boolean)] [--apartmentState(ApartmentState)] [--fromfile(Boolean)] --file(String) --script(String) (Boolean)=success (List<String>)=errors (List<String>)=warnings


Script Designer Required AcceptedTypes Description
--handleerror Handle Error Optional Boolean When enabled, if an error occurs during the execution of the selected script, the current script does not fail and the information regarding the error that occurred is returned in the outputs. Otherwise, if there is an error, the script will fail.
--apartmentState "Thread" Type Optional ApartmentState Forms of division of the process that must be used in the execution, being them STA or MTA.
--fromfile Execute from File Optional Boolean If enabled, allows you to run the script with the PowerShell commands contained in a file.
--file File Only whenExecute from File is True Text Full directory path and name of the file that has the Windows PowerShell commands that should be executed.
--script Powershell Script Only whenExecute from File is False Text PowerShell commands, known as cmdlets, which use the Windows PowerShell language.


Script Designer AcceptedTypes Description
success Success Boolean Returns "True" if the PowerShell script runs successfully, or "False" if it doesn't.
errors Errors List<Text> Returns a list of errors resulting from running the PowerShell script.
warnings Warnings List<Text> Returns a list of warnings from running the PowerShell script.


The "get-Process" command is executed to obtain the process that is running on the local computer, returning its execution success, errors and warnings, if any.

defVar --name success --type Boolean
defVar --name errorList --type List --innertype String
defVar --name waningsList --type List --innertype String
powerShell --apartmentState "STA" --script "Get-Process" success=success errorList=errors waningsList=warnings
logMessage --message "Success: ${success}\r\nError: ${errorList}\r\nWarnings: ${waningsList}" --type "Info"
// Result: True
// Error: []
// Warnings: []

The output values ​​vary according to the execution of the script on the Windows device.

See Also

  • Run DOS Command
  • Run Windows Script