XMI toolkit documentation

Sodius provided the following documents for their XMI toolkit add-on product for IBM® Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody. You can use the XMI toolkit to import or export models and model components.

The following list of books summarizes the available documentation for the Rhapsody XMI toolkit. These documents are available in PDF format.

Note: Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements, or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility, or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Direct your questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products to the suppliers of those products.
Table 1. Documentation for the Rhapsody XMI toolkit add-on product
Document title and link Description
XMI Toolkit Changes Lists changes to the XMI Toolkit software
XMI Toolkit User Guide Provides procedures to convert information in Rhapsody projects and UML models (versions 1.3 and 2.1) using the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) format
XMI Mapping Rules Lists the mapping rules grouped by diagram type so that users use a subset of the diagram types available in UML for import and export
Rhapsody-IBM Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition Integration Describes how to import models created in Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition into Rhapsody
Rhapsody-Sparx Enterprise Architect Integration Describes how to import models created in Sparx Enterprise Architect into Rhapsody
MagicDraw UML - Rhapsody Integration Describes how to import models created in No Magic MagicDraw into Rhapsody.
Rhapsody Tau Integration Describes how to import models created in IBM Rational Tau into Rhapsody and export Rhapsody models to Rational Tau
Tau to Rhapsody Diagrams Mapping Explains the diagram mapping from Rational Tau to Rhapsody applications. Only the graphical mapping is presented here, the semantic mapping can be found in Rhapsody Tau Integration