Installing Rhapsody silently on a Windows system

If you want to install the product on a Windows system as a background operation or silent installation, you must create a customized script to set the installation properties for your computer environment.

The customized script starts the .msi setup program for the product and installs IBM Engineering Systems Design Rhapsody according to the properties you have set in your script.

Your Windows script first defines the product that you are installing. This example sets up the developer's edition for C and C++:

set RHAPSODY_ROOT=E:\Program Files\IBM\Rhapsody
set IS_LANG_C=1
Important: In addition to the property settings for the installation directory and system components, your script must set the LAPAGREE property to "Yes" to accept the IBM Rational® software license agreement automatically. If it is not set to "Yes," the installation stops when it reaches this property.

For a list of available properties, see the topic on the silent installation properties.

To see a sample script for a silent installation, see the file in your <product installation path>\Samples\SilentInstall.

Note: The installation for Rhapsody requires that Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 already be installed. If it is not installed and you want to install it as part of the silent installation of Rhapsody, you need to use setup.exe instead of using msiexec directly and the .msi file for Rhapsody. For example:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn <all the usual parameters passed to msiexec>"