Registering the host certificate on the client

About this task

On the client system, to register the certificate for the Certificate Authority (CA) that is in use on the host system, you must add the file in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) preferences. The security certificate required for the host SSL connection must be available in a local file on the client machine as a prerequisite for this step. See a system administrator to obtain it.
Note: These preferences settings modify a file in the JRE folder on the client system. Ensure that you are logged onto the client system with either an administrator account or an account with administrator authority. Alternatively, for Windows users, when you start the IDE right-click the program file or shortcut and select Run as administrator.


  1. Click Window > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, expand Remote Systems > SSL. This shows a list of security certificates currently registered with the client.
  3. Click the Add button and provide the local file containing the host security certificate to the dialog, along with an alias name of your choice for the certificate in the keystore. The alias name here is for managing the certificate in the registry. It does not need to equal the host name. Click OK.
  4. Confirm that the new certificate is added to the list. Click OK.
  5. Restart your workspace for the connections to use the registered certificates.