Events File format

The Events File contains information that allows the editor to locate, in the source member, any tokens or lines that caused a message to be issued, and to relate messages that refer to expanded source to the corresponding position in a given source file. The Events File is meant to provide machine-readable information useful to certain classes of tools. The processor's listing file, by contrast, is meant to be read by humans. Since the Events File has a common format across all processors, tools will not have to write processor-specific code to obtain the information they need.

The Events File is produced sequentially. Each processor is simply appending new records to it. When an important event occurs, a record is written to the Events File.

Currently, the following record types are defined:
  • Timestamp Record
  • Processor Record
  • File ID Record
  • File End Record
  • Error Information Record
  • Expansion Record
  • Program Record
  • Map Define Record
  • Map Start Record
  • Map End Record
  • Feedback Code Record

Since different types of records will be included in this one file, the first word in each record will identify the record type. In the syntax diagrams, each token should be separated by exactly one blank.

Timestamp Record

This record indicates when the Events File was created, and allows an application to determine if the Events File is current (if the timestamp is older than a file indicated in a File ID record, the Events File may be incorrect for that file). This record is always the first record in the Events File.

Note: This record is not written by a processor; it is written by the caller of the first processor. This allows each processor to append to the Events File without having to determine if the file exists.

The record is defined as follows:

**––– TIMESTAMP ––– version ––– timestamp ––––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
The date and time the Events File was created in yyyymmddhhmmss format.

Processor Record

This record indicates that a new processor has been invoked. One will always follow the timestamp record in the Events File (although there may be more than one).

The processor record is defined as follows:

**––– PROCESSOR ––– version ––– output-id ––– line-class –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
The file ID of an output file produced by this processor. If the output of this processor is intended to be used as input to another processor, this file ID represents that file, and the file ID record of the file will follow this record. If this is the last processor that will be invoked for which the editor will be expected to display messages, the file ID is 0.
Method used to number lines. Specify zero if a temporary file or internal file containing an expanded source representation is being used; the line number represents the line number in the expanded source. Specify one if the line number represents the physical line number in the source file indicated in source file ID field.
Note: If the output of one processor is intended as the input to another processor, the FILEID record for the output should contain a name, even if the output is not placed in a real file. This same name should be used in the input FILEID record of the processor using the output.

File ID Record

This record contains the full name of the source file processed and associates an integer with the file name. There should be one record of this type for each source file processed (the main source file as well as any included source units (copylib members) and macros).

Note: If a file is included several times during processing, a file ID record should be written for each inclusion.

The file ID record is defined as follows:

**––– FILEID ––– version ––– source-id ––– line ––– length ––––*
 *––– filename ––– sourcefile timestamp ––– temp flag ––*|

If the file ID record exceeds the length allowed by the record length of the events file (which can occur when compiling IFS files) then the file ID record is followed by one or more file ID continued records of the following format:

**––– FILEIDCONT ––– version ––– source-id ––– line ––– length ––––*
 *––– filename ––– sourcefile timestamp ––– temp flag ––*|

For example:

FILEID     0 001 000000 383 /home/USER/directory/directory2/directory3/directory4asdfjkaskldjfhakjsdf haslkdjf alksjdfh laksjdf/directory5/dir9 askdjfhaksdjfhkalsjdfhlkajsdfhlajdshflkajshdflkajshdflkjahsdflkjhasdlfkjhaslkdfhalksdjfhalksdhfklashdfkashdflkahsdflkjhasdlkfhalskdfjha
FILEIDCONT 0 001 000000 000 lskfhalskdfhalsdhfalksdjfhlaksfhlasasdkjfhaksdjfhlkasjdfhlkajshdflkajshdfkjashdflkjhasdlkfhsadjkfdfhlakdshflkhs/REM1C01501.RPGLE 20030404130518 0

Length should always be used to determine the file name, as IFS file names may have spaces in them, as shown in the example above.

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
A file identifier expressed as an integer to be used in place of the file name to correlate an error record with the source file in which it occurred, without having to use the character based file name. Use zero if the input file is not known, such as input coming from a user exit.
Source file line number where a new file is referenced, or zero if the file was not referenced from a file.
Length of the file name; the maximum length is 255. In a FILEIDCONT record, the length is always zero since length is only determined by the file ID record.
The name should be the fully-qualified physical file name. If none exists (for example, getting text from the user) or the name can't be determined, place a null string here.

The name can include servername.

sourcefile timestamp
This is the timestamp on the Source file.
temp flag
This field is set to 1 to indicate the source is a temporary file, otherwise it is set to 0. Temporary source file can only be opened in browse mode. Currently the temp flag is used to reference output generated by SQL preprocessor.

File End Record

This record indicates that an included file is ending. It provides a method to determine the nesting of include files so a program can navigate back up the include chain. This is useful when the included file does not contain enough information to determine what caused the error.

The file end record is defined as follows:

**––– FILEEND ––– version ––– file-id ––– expansion –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
The file ID of this file.
Number of expanded source lines in this file, including any nested includes and macro expansions.
Note: Every file ID record must have a corresponding file end record, except for the file ID that follows the processor record to define the output file.

Error Information Record

A record of this type contains information required to locate a token or line causing a message in the source file, as well as enough information to allow the message itself to be displayed. This information includes location information (such as what file and line the error occurred on) and information related to the error itself (such as the number, text, and severity of the message).

The error information record is defined as follows:

**––– ERROR ––– version ––– file-id ––– annot-class –––*
 *––– stmt-line ––– start-err-line ––– token-start ––– end-err-line ––– token-end –––*
 *––– msg-id ––– sev-char ––– sev-num ––– length ––– msg –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
The file ID number of the source file containing this error.
Indicates where in a listing of messages this message should be placed when the Events File is loaded in the Error List window. The positions are defined as follows:
Top of list. Generally used for very important messages that aren't really associated with a specific line in a file. The sorting order for multiple instances of messages of this type is not defined. Because no text generally corresponds to this type of error, it can't be located in the edit window.
Middle of list. Generally used for messages which are associated with a single line or token. Multiple messages of this type are sorted by line and column number.
Bottom of list. Generally used for less important messages that aren't really associated with a specific line in a file. The sorting order for multiple instances of messages of this type is not defined. Because no text generally corresponds to this type of error, it can't be located in the edit window.
Line number (in the source file associated with the above source file ID number) of the first line of the statement containing the error. This is required in case the error does not occur on the first line of the statement. This number is interpreted using the line class field.
Line number (in the source file associated with the above source file ID number) containing the start of the error. This number is interpreted using the line class field.
Column (or character in the line) of the start of the token in error. If this information is not available, a zero here will cause the entire line to be flagged as an error.
Line number (in the source file associated with the above source file ID number) containing the end of the error. This number is interpreted using the line class field.
Column (or character in the line) of the end of the token in error. If this information is not available, a zero here will cause the entire line to be flagged as an error.
Message ID (for example, AMPX999).
Severity code letter (I, W, E, S, or T).
Severity level number. For some systems, this is the return code associated with the severity code letter (for example, I=0, W=4, E=8, S=12, T=16).
The actual length of the message text (the next field). The maximum length is 1024 bytes.
The message text of the error message. Any replacement of fields should have already been done.
Note: Errors that span files may not be properly flagged, because the error record only allows one file-id to be specified

Expansion Record

This record contains information about expanded source lines due to a pre-processor (such as the SQL pre-compiler or the RPG pre-processor). This information would be used to create a mapping between the output of a pre-processor and the original source.

The expansion record is defined as follows:

**––– EXPANSION ––– version ––– input-file-id ––– input-line-start –––*
 *––– input-line-end ––– output-file-id ––– output-line-start ––– output-line-end –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
ID of the file containing the source that will be expanded. The File IDs have to match the IDs found within the same processor block.
The line number where the statement to be expanded starts.
The line number where the statement to be expanded ends.
ID of the file where the expanded source is being written. The File IDs have to match the IDs found within the same processor block.
The line number where the expanded source starts.
The line number where the expanded source ends.
Note: In the case of a processor that adds source to the output file instead of expanding existing source (case of the SQLCA where the SQL pre-compiler adds a Data Structure to the existing code), the Input File Start and End Lines should be set to 0 (and any errors with respect to that section of code would be inserted at the very top of the original source).

Program Record

This record indicates a new program in the same source file is being compiled. It is used when multiple programs are contained in one file. Expanded source line is assumed to start over at 1 when this record is written. It is not needed to indicate the first program in the file.

Note: All ERROR records for a program must come after the PROGRAM record for that program and before any PROGRAM records for other programs.

The program record is defined as follows:

**––– PROGRAM ––– version ––– line –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
The position in the file that this program starts.

Map Define Record

This record indicates that a macro is being defined. It is used to allow errors to be reflected back to a macro definition instead of the place the macro is used.

The map define record is defined as follows:

**––– MAPDEFINE ––– version ––– macro-id ––– line ––– length ––– macro-name –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
Integer representing this macro definition. It should be incremented sequentially within a specific file.
Physical line in the current file where the macro definition starts.
Length of the macro name.
The name of the macro being defined.

Map Start Record

This record indicates that source expansion is starting. It is used where any textual replacement is being done.

The map start record is defined as follows:

**––– MAPSTART ––– version ––– macro-id ––– line –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
Identifier of a macro specified in a map definition record.
Physical line in the current file where expansion (for example, macro invocation) begins.

Map End Record

This record indicates that source expansion is complete. It is used at the end of a textual replacement to show how many lines were created.

The map start record is defined as follows:

**––– MAPEND ––– version ––– macro-id ––– line ––– expansion –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
Identifier of a macro specified in a map definition record.
Physical line in the current file where expansion (for example, macro invocation) begins.
Number of lines resulting from this macro expansion, including any nested expansions.

Feedback Code Record

This record contains the return code and reason code at the point where compilation stopped.

The feedback code record is defined as follows:

**––– FEEDBACK ––– version ––– return-code ––– reason-code –––*|

The revision of this record, used for upward compatibility. The current version is "1".
Return code returned by the processor.
Reason code returned by the processor.