Importing sample data using Apache Directory Studio

After you follow the instructions in "Configuring LDAP-compliant software" to download, install, and configure the ApacheDS LDAP-compliant server and the Apache Directory Studio client, you can import sample data onto your ApacheDS directory server as follows:

  1. Import data into the new partition:
    1. To open Apache Directory Studio, click Start > Programs > Apache Directory Suite > Studio > Studio.
    2. An Eclipse-based Welcome page is displayed. Close the Welcome page to reveal an LDAP perspective, which includes a Connections view at the bottom left corner.
    3. In the Connections view, right click in the context menu, select New Connection. As you run the wizard, you need the following table:
      Table 1. Connection settings
      Property Setting
      Connection name EGLSample
      Hostname localhost
      Port 389
      Encryption method No encryption
      Authentication Simple authentication
      Bind DN or user uid=admin,ou=system
      Bind password secret
      Do not change the additional connection parameters. Click Finish.
    4. In the LDAP Browser view, open DIT, and then open Root DSE. If you find o=sample, right-click it and select Delete Entry.
    5. In the Connections view, right click EGLSample and in the context menu, click Import > LDIF Import.
    6. To find SampleCompany.ldif in the LDIF Import dialog, click Browse. SampleCompany.ldif is in the following location: workspace/LdapRuiSample/ (workspace is the fully qualified path name of your EGL product workspace; for example, C:/MyWorkspace).
    7. In the Select LDIF File window, click Open. This step might result in a flashing cursor, but the next step handles the problem.
    8. In the LDIF Import window, select Overwrite existing log file and click Finish.
    9. If the wait cursor flashes repeatedly for more than 30 seconds, refresh Studio:
      1. Click Root DSE.
      2. Press F5 .
  2. To verify the import in the LDAP Browser view, select DIT > Root DSE, and open o=sample. You should find two group entries (in ou=groups) and fifteen people entries (in ou=people). If the import failed, check your settings. When you want to re-import, review the LDAP Browser view to ensure that when you open DIT and then Root DSE, you do not find o=sample. If you find o-sample and it has no other value, right-click it and select Delete Entry. If you are unable to delete the entry, retrace your steps and try the import again.