The following new capabilities are introduced in Rational® Business Developer V9.5.1:
Now you can install Rational Business Developer on Mac OS X. For more details on supported versions of Mac OS X, refer to Software Product Compatibility Reports. Most features of RBD are supported.
MAC is added as a target system for Java™ generation and resource associations (seqws and remote vsam types are supported).
The following features are not supported:
Now Rational Business Developer officially supports Ubuntu.
In the context of file I/O that does not involve databases, the EGL open statement opens the file that is associated with a given record variable. As the EGL get or add statements open files automatically, you can use the EGL open statement to clear the file without any actual I/O being done. For more information, see open considerations for file I/O
setCharacterEncoding() is a system function that specifies an alternative encoding for a CHAR, MBCHAR, or DBCHAR variable. For more information, see setCharacterEncoding()
EGL programs that are generated for VSE CICS can now use CICS Channels to pass parameters. This means that you can pass up to 30 parameters of unlimited size (bounded by the storage available in the CICS region). Both the caller and the callee must run under CICS. This feature requires CICS Transaction Server for z/VSE 2.1, which is available for z/VSE 6.1.
EGL programs that are generated for COBOL environments can now use the XMLLIB system function to generate to XML strings or extract from XML strings. For more information, see EGL library XMLLib
By default, the following Rich UI system projects are in use:
fixFirstColumn is a new property for the DataGrid widget to specify whether the first column (like a title column) will be fixed when you scroll horizontally. For more information, see Rich UI DataGrid and DataGridTooltip.
Move.. by name statement is supported in RUI now to enable quick copy of record in RUI. For more information, see move.
By default, the mobile widgets in use are updated to 1.5.0.
More widgets such as DojoMobileTextBox, DojoMobileRadioButton are added to provide more capability. For more information, see EGL Dojo mobile widgets
In Rational Business Developer V9.5.1, you can set UserID and Password for calling all services by serviceLib.setHTTPBasicAuthentication (UserID, Password).
A new Ant task named egl.createInterfaceFromWSDL is introduced to enable creation of egl interface from a WSDL file via Ant. For more information, see egl.createInterfaceFromWSDL.
Rational Business Developer V9.5.1 updates the annotation enableSaveRestore. Now you can use it for program variables like records to control whether the variable's data is preserved across a segmented converse. For more information, see Master list of all EGL properties.
The deepNullaCheck build descriptor option specifies whether any variable will check the null status of the referred value when you compare the variable to null. For more information, see Overview of build descriptor options.
These two build descriptor options specify the default UserID and Password for calling all services. For more information, see Overview of build descriptor options.
Rational Business Developer V9.5.1 adds RUI preference to specify the HTML meta header that is used in development and deployed HTML. The meta section is also added in the EGL deployment descriptor, you can specify custom meta headers in the deployed HTML file. For more information, see Setting preferences for Rich UI.
Rational Business Developer V9.5.1 adds the preference to specify whether the JavaScript content of the deployed HTML file is separated from the HTML file as a single file. The .js file enables the browser cache for JavaScript file to boost the performance. For more information, see Setting preferences for Rich UI deployment.
A menu button is added, and you can press the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+6) to disable content assist. When the workspace is too large, and causes the slow performance of the content assist, this function will be useful. For more information, see Content assist.