LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/mod_proxy_connect.so LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
<IfModule mod_proxy.c> ProxyRequests On </IfModule>
If you are configuring reverse proxy support, change the ProxyRequests parameter value from On to Off. For forward proxy support, leave this parameter set to On. Setting ProxyRequests to Off does not disable use of ProxyPass directives.
In this example, the hostname is the name of the CM Server server host and port is an optional port number, which you must specify if you have changed the default port on which CM Server listens for HTTP requests (see Changing the default CM Server HTTP port).
ProxyPass /cqweb/ http://hostname[:port]/cqweb/ ProxyPassReverse /cqweb/ http://hostname[:port]/cqweb/
For example, the following directives would configure the proxy server to support access by the Rational® ClearQuest® Web interface to a CM Server process listening on port 12081 of a host named CMserver_host.
ProxyPass /cqweb/ http://CMserver_host:12081/cqweb/ ProxyPassReverse /cqweb/ http://CMserver_host:12081/cqweb/
For the ClearQuest Web interface, add these ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse directives of the following form for the cqweb Web address:
ProxyPass /wpf/ http://hostname[:port]/wpf/
ProxyPass /px/ http://hostname[:port]/px/
ProxyPass /images/ http://hostname[:port]/images/
ProxyPass /dct/ http://hostname[:port]/dct/
ProxyPass /common/ http://hostname[:port]/common/
ProxyPass /../view/ http://hostname[:port]/view/
ProxyPass /view/ http://hostname[:port]/view/
ProxyPass /cqweb/ http://hostname[:port]/cqweb/
ProxyPass /cqattachments/ http://hostname[:port]/cqattachments/
ProxyPassReverse / http://hostname[:port]/
ProxyPass /wpf/ http://CMserver_host:12081/wpf/ ProxyPass /px/ http://CMserver_host:12081/px/ ProxyPass /images/ http://CMserver_host:12081/images/ ProxyPass /dct/ http://CMserver_host:12081/dct/ ProxyPass /common/ http://CMserver_host:12081/common/ ProxyPass /../view/ http://CMserver_host:12081/view/ ProxyPass /view/ http://CMserver_host:12081/view/ ProxyPass /cqweb/ http://CMserver_host:12081/cqweb/ ProxyPass /cqattachments/ http://CMserver_host:12081/cqattachments/ ProxyPassReverse / http://CMserver_host:12081/
The Web addresses used by Web interfaces to IBM® products may change when you install a new release of Rational ClearCase®, Rational ClearQuest, or any other IBM products on the CM Server host. To find the currently valid Web addresses for IBM products on the CM Server host, examine the *.conf files in the CM Server conf/include directory. The application Web addresses are embedded as arguments to Alias or JkMount directives. For example, JkMount /CQWeb/* ajp13 indicates that /CQWeb is a Web address that CM Server supports (omit the trailing /* ).