Lesson 1.4: Create and edit an XSL style sheet
Style sheets are files that can be used to transform XML documents
into other document types and to format the output. In this exercise, you
will create a simple XSL style sheet to format your XML file data into a table
in an HTML file.
Before you begin
Create the style sheet
About this task
- Select Next. . In the New window, select . Click
- Select the MyProject directory.
- In the File name field, type CDTitle.xsl and click Next.
- In the Select XML file page, select the CDTitle.xml file. This associates the CDTitle.xml file with the CDTitle.xsl file.
- Click Finish.
Edit the style sheet
About this task
Transform the XML file to HTML
- In the Navigator view, hold down the Ctrl key and select CDTitle.xml and CDTitle.xsl.
- Right-click and select .
- The result file name is _CDTitle_transform.html. It automatically opens in the Page Designer, and contains the contents of your XML file in a table.
- To see the table as it will look in a Web browser, close the _CDTitle_transform.html file, right-click it in the Navigator view and select .

Lesson checkpoint
The XSL editor provides a number of wizards to help you create
a content filled style sheet. It also provides a method to create an HTML
table based on that style sheet.
Now that you have completed this lesson, you should be able
- Create an XSL style sheet.
- Fill the style sheet with contents which will generate an HTML table.
- Transform an XML file to HTML.