Example: Creating a custom report based on a saved search

You can create reports by importing a search or creating custom criteria.

About this task

Create a report that is based on the event and flow searches you created in Searching events.


  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. In the Actions list, select Create.
  3. In the report wizard, click Next.
  4. Configure the report schedule.
    1. Select the Daily option.
    2. Select the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday options.
    3. Select 8:00 AM.
    4. Make sure that the Yes - Manually generate report option is selected.
    5. Click Next.
  5. Configure the report layout:
    1. In the Orientation list, select Landscape.
    2. Select the layout with two chart containers.
    3. Click Next.
  6. In the Report Title field, type Sample Report.
  7. Configure the top chart container:
    1. In the Chart Type list, select Events/Logs.
    2. In the Chart Title field, type Sample Event Search.
    3. In the Daily Scheduling section, select All data from the previous (24 hours).
    4. In the Graph Type list, select Stacked Bar.
    5. In the Limit Events/Logs To Top list, select 10.
    6. In the Available Saved Searches list, select Example Search 1.

      The remaining parameters automatically populate by using the settings from the Example Search 1 saved search.

    7. Click Save Container Details.
  8. Configure the bottom chart container:
    1. In the Chart Type list, select Flows.
    2. In the Chart Title field, type Sample Flow Search.
    3. Click All data from previous 24 hours.
    4. In the Graph Type list, select Stacked Bar.
    5. In the Limit Flows To Top list, select 10.
    6. In the Available Saved Searches list, select Example Search 2.

      The remaining parameters are automatically populated by using the settings from the Example Search 2 saved search.

    7. Click Save Container Details.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Choose the report format:
    1. Click the PDF and HTML check boxes.
    2. Click Next.
  12. Choose the report distribution channels:
    1. Click Report Console.
    2. Click Email.
    3. In the Enter the report destination email address(es) field, type your email address.
    4. Click Include Report as attachment.
    5. Click Next.
  13. Complete the final Report wizard details:
    1. In the Report Description field, type a description of the template.
    2. Click Yes - Run this report when the wizard is complete.
    3. Click Finish.
  14. Click Sample Report in the Report Name column, and click Actions > Run Report.
  15. Using the list box in the Generated Reports column, select the time stamp of your report.
  16. In the Format column, click the icon for the report format that you want to view.