Linux operating system partition properties for QRadar installations on your own system

If you use your own appliance hardware, you can delete and re-create partitions on your Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® operating system rather than modify the default partitions.

Use the values in following table as a guide when you re-create the partitioning on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. You must use these partition names. Using other partition names can cause the installation to fail and other issues.

Table 1. Partitioning guide for RHEL
Mount Path LVM supported? Size File System
/boot No 1 GB XFS
/boot/efi No 200 MB EFI System Partition
/var Yes 5 GB XFS
/var/log Yes 15 GB
/var/log/audit Yes 3 GB
/opt Yes 13 GB
/home Yes 1 GB
/storetmp Yes 15 GB
/tmp Yes 3 GB
swap N/A Swap formula:

Configure the swap partition size to be 75 per cent of RAM, with a minimum value of 12 GiB and a maximum value of 24 GiB.

/ Yes Up to 15 GB

QRadar Console

App Host

/transient Yes 20% of remaining space
/store Yes 80% of remaining space
Processors and Collectors /transient Yes The lesser of 20% of the remaining space and 500 GB
/store Yes The remaining space after /transient allocation
Data Nodes /transient Yes The lesser of 10% of the remaining space and 100 GB
/store Yes The remaining space after /transient allocation

For more information about the swap partition, see (

Console partition configurations for multiple disk deployments

For systems with multiple disks, configure the following partitions for QRadar:

Disk 1
boot, swap, OS, QRadar temporary files, and log files
Remaining disks
  • Use the default storage configurations for QRadar appliances as a guideline to determine what RAID type to use.
  • Mounted as /store
  • Store QRadar data

The following table shows the default storage configuration for QRadar appliances.

Table 2. Default storage configurations for QRadar appliances
QRadar host role Storage configuration

Flow collector

QRadar Network Insights (QNI)


Data node

Event processor

Flow processor

Event and flow processor

All-in-one console


Event collector