Backing up and restoring Disconnected Log Collector by using scripts

To backup or restore Disconnected Log Collector, run the configBackup and configRestore scripts before you install or upgrade to a new Disconnected Log Collector instance. For instance, a hardware malfunction or an OS update, and where a Disconnected Log Collector rebuild is necessary.


  1. Run the script to back up all your configuration information to a file. In the following filepath, timestamp represents the current timestamp in the filename:
    For example, /store/tmp/dlc_config_backup_2023-12-06T13:46:39.tar.gz.
  2. Run the script to restore all your saved configuration information. You must include an input parameter of the configuration backup. For example, /store/tmp/dlc_config_backup_2023-12-06T13:46:39.tar.gz. <filepath>
    Important: If the configuration is to restore a different Disconnected Log Collector instance, you're prompted to shut down the original Disconnected Log Collector.