Setting up SNMP in AIX®

TCP/IP and SNMP must be properly installed and configured on the server before you set up SNMP in AIX.

Before you begin

You must log in as a root user.


  1. Stop the LNSNMP service with the following command: stop

  2. Stop the SNMP subsystem with the following command:

    stopsrc -s snmpd

  3. Configure SNMP to accept LNSNMP as an SMUX peer. Add the following line to /etc/snmpd.peers

    "Lotus Notes Agent" "NotesPasswd"

  4. Configure SNMP to accept an SMUX association from LNSNMP. Add the following line to /etc/snmpd.conf or /etc/snmpdv3.conf

    smux NotesPasswd

  5. Start the SNMP subsystem with the following command:

    startsrc -s snmpd

  6. Start the LNSNMP service with the following command: start

  7. Create a link to the LNSNMP script

    ln -f -s /opt/ibm/lotus/notes/latest/ibmpow/ /etc/lnsnmp.rc

  8. Configure LNSNMP service to start during the system restart. Add the following line to the end of /etc/rc.tcpip

    /etc/lnsnmp.rc start