Configuring DbProtect alerts

Configure sensors on your DbProtect console to generate alerts.


  1. Log in to the DbProtect console.
  2. Click the Activity Monitoring tab.
  3. Click the Sensors tab.
  4. Select a sensor and click Reconfigure.
  5. Select a database instance and click Reconfigure.
  6. Click Next until the Sensor Manager Policy window is displayed.
  7. Select the Syslog check box and click Next.
  8. In the Send Alerts to the following Syslog console field, type the IP address of your DbProtect console.
  9. In the Port field, type the port number that you configured in the SyslogListenerPort field of the DbProtect LEEF Relay.
    Tip: By default, 514 is the default Syslog listen port for the DbProtect LEEF Relay.
  10. Click Add.
  11. Click Next until you reach the Deploy to Sensor window.
  12. Click Deploy to Sensor.