Viewing public collections

Public collections from the X-Force Exchange are visible to anyone on the internet. You can use the public collections to aggregate the threat intelligence that is collected during an investigation, organize information, and share it with others.

About this task

Downloading public security collections from IBM X-Force Exchange might take a few minutes to complete.


  1. From the navigation menu on the Threat Intelligence dashboard, click the Public Collections icon (Icon for app settings).
  2. You can locate a specific collection by the following methods.
    • Scroll through the list in the Threat Intelligence dashboard.
    • Enter keywords in the Search field to find a specific collection by name.
      Tip: Type #advisory to search for IBM issued public collections.
  3. For the collection that interests you, complete the following steps:
    1. Click Scan now to scan your network against the collection.
    2. Click View result to view the scanning results in Log Activity or Network Activity..
      Note: You must install the Advanced Threat Protection Feed (ATPF) license to use the function.
    3. Click View collection to view details of the collection on the X-Force Exchange.