UBA content pack summary

When you install the UBA app, content packages that contain UBA-specific rules are also installed. The content packages and the count details are listed.

UBA-specific content packages, which contain rules for sending sense events, are installed as separate extensions. Content packages are installed by default. If you choose to create your own custom rules that send sense events to UBA, you can change the Install and upgrade content packages setting when you configure UBA Settings.

Note: Not all content in each package is unique. The counts for custom rules will not match the number of rules seen on the Rules and Tuning page. These counts include building blocks and other helper rules.
Table 1. Content packages and counts
Content Pack Custom Rules Reference Data Custom Properties Property Expressions QID Records
Access and Authentication
42 (UBA 4.1.0)
15 4 9
25 (UBA 4.1.0)
Accounts and Privileges 32 5 2 9 12
Browsing Behavior 20 0 2 14 19
Cloud 16 2 5 6 12
DNS Analyzer 5 0 0 0 4
Domain Controller 15 5 13 26 11
24 (UBA 3.7.0)
22 (UBA 3.8.0)
7 (UBA 3.7.0)
6 (UBA 3.8.0)
17 (UBA 3.7.0)
38 (UBA 3.8.0)
13 (UBA 3.7.0)
12 (UBA 3.8.0)
27 (UBA 4.1.0)
1 3 17
12 (UBA 4.1.0)
Geography 12 4 0 0 7
MaaS360 10 0 0 0 10
Network Traffic
3 (UBA 3.7.0)
4 (UBA 3.8.0)
1 (UBA 3.7.0)
2 (UBA 3.8.0)
3 (UBA 3.7.0)
8 (UBA 3.8.0)
3 (UBA 3.7.0)
4 (UBA 3.8.0)
Threat Intelligence 19 6 7 17 14