IBM QRadar Operations app configuration settings

Configure settings and preferences for the Operations app in the QRadar Operations window on the Admin tab.

Table 1. Data Retrieval
Parameter Description
Event Rate Retrieves and displays data about event rates.
Flow Rate Retrieves and displays data about flow rates.
Notifications Configures QRadar® system notifications to display details about the Operations app.
Activity Retrieves and displays activity data.
API Requests Retrieves and displays data about API requests.
Searches Retrieves and displays data about searches.
Offenses Retrieves and displays offense data.
Offense Loading Batch Size The number of offenses to retrieve per request.
Search Results Loading Batch Size The number of search results to retrieve per request. This applies to activity, API requests, and searches.
Table 2. Data Representation
Parameter Description
Table Row Count Limit The number of rows that are displayed in tables generated when you perform actions such as clicking a graph.
Plot Aggregation Period The period of time over which data is aggregated for display purposes. The default aggregation period is 1 hour. This setting applies to all of the plots in the Operations app.