Configuring the main site settings

Configure the main site that normally controls your deployment.

Obtain an Authorized Service token for the main site and an Authorized Service token for the destination site. To obtain an Authorized Service token, see Creating an authorized service token.
  1. On the main QRadar Console, click Admin > Data Synchronization app.
  2. Review the welcome page information, click Continue, and then click Main site.
  3. In the Destination Site IP/Hostname field, enter the IP address or hostname of the QRadar console from your destination site.
  4. In the Site security token field, enter the token that you received when you set up the authorized service for the main site.
  5. In the Destination site's security token field, enter the token that you received when you set up the authorized service for the destination site.
  6. To synchronize Ariel data between the sites, select Enable Ariel data synchronization. If required, complete one or both of the following methods:
    • In the Ariel data synchronization start date field, enter the start date of Ariel data synchronization with the other site.
    • In the Ariel data synchronization frequency field, select the frequency with which the main site synchronizes Ariel data with the destination site.
  7. To automatically transfer new configuration backups to the destination site, set the Enable automatic configuration backup transfer to on. If you do not enable this setting, you can transfer new configuration backups manually.
    • Set the Enable automatic configuration backup restore to on, to automatically restore configuration backups that are transferred to the destination site. If you do not enable this setting, you can restore configuration backups manually.
  8. To automatically restore configuration backups that are transferred to the destination site, set the Enable automatic configuration backup restore to on.
    1. In the Automatic configuration backup restore frequency (day(s)) field, select the day or days when automatic restoration of the newest transferred configuration backup occurs on the destination site.
    2. In the Automatic configuration backup restore frequency (time) field, select time when automatic restoration of the newest transferred configuration backup occurs on the destination site.
  9. To automatically deploy the restored configuration backups on the destination site, set the Enable automatic deploy after a restore to on.
    If you do not enable this setting, you must manually deploy the changes on QRadar after the backup restore is completed.
  10. In the Bandwidth limit field, enter the bandwidth limit in Mbps that is enforced when the systems are synchronized.

    Bandwidth limit is used to set a maximum limit that is used for data synchronization services between the main site and the destination site. Bandwidth that is set too high might impact primary bandwidth availability. Bandwidth that is set too low would cause synchronization to fall behind.

  11. Click Step 2: Connection Test to verify that the connection is configured correctly.
    During the connection test, the following steps are completed:
    • Verifies the authentication token
    • Tests for configured domains
    • Verifies the paired authentication token
    • Verifies the connection to the QRadar API
  12. Click Finish.
  13. On the Admin tab of QRadar, click Deploy changes to apply the changes.