Creating parameters for your dashboards

Create parameters that you can use in all of your widgets with an AQL or Generic API data source, such as Time Period and Time Value. Using common parameters and default values can reduce the time that it takes to create or edit individual queries for your widgets.

Before you begin

Parameters appear within curly braces, as in the following AQL example:
Curly braces in an AQL statement

Because curly braces are also used in an AQL statement within a quoted string (a string literal between quotation marks), you must use a backward slash (\) as an escape character before the opening curly brace within a quoted string. This syntax ensures that the quoted string is not interpreted as a parameter and cause incorrect query results. If you have a backward slash in a quoted string, add an extra backward slash as the escape character.


  1. From a dashboard that contains AQL-based or Generic API-based widgets, such as the Events and flow metrics dashboard, click the dashboard menu (More options > Manage parameters).
    The Manage Parameter Values window displays the parameters that are already created in your workspace. If any of the parameters have default values, they're listed in the Default value column. The Number of occurrences column indicates the number of widgets that use each parameter. Hover over the number to see which widgets use the parameter.
  2. To set a default value for a parameter, click the More options icon, enter the default value in the field, and then click Save.
    • This action sets the default value for every widget that uses the parameter, and the Parameters card automatically updates. Alternatively, you can add a value for the parameter in specific widgets.
    • When you change the default value for a parameter, you're changing the value everywhere the parameter is used in your workspace, except in expanded or pinned dashboards and widgets. If you don't set the value as the default value, the updated change applies only to the current session. However, if you set the value as the default, the current session value also uses that value.
    • The predefined SYSTEM:username parameter returns the username of the user who is logged in. System parameters are read only and you cannot change the default value.
    • The predefined SYSTEM:timerange parameter represents the time selector value.
  3. To add a parameter to your workspace, click Add, give the parameter a name and default value, and then click Save.
  4. Before you delete a parameter, check that it doesn't belong to any widgets by hovering over the number to see the names of widgets that use the parameter. After you remove the parameter from those widgets, then you can click Delete.
  5. Click Back to Dashboard to return to the main view and continue your work.