Upgrading QRadar Cloud Visibility

To take advantage of new capabilities, defect fixes, and updated workflows, upgrade to new versions of IBM® QRadar® Cloud Visibility. Use the Extensions Management tool in IBM QRadar or the QRadar Assistant app to upgrade your app. You must be an administrator to upgrade to new versions of the app.

Before you begin

You must have an IBM ID to access the App Exchange.
Important: In QRadar Cloud Visibility 1.4.1, the default log source types that are considered by the AWS dashboards now include Universal DSM when the protocol type is Amazon AWS S3 REST API or Amazon Web Services. For more information about these protocol types, see Amazon AWS S3 REST API protocol configuration options and Amazon Web Services protocol configuration options.


  1. Choose one of the following methods to download your app:
    • If the IBM QRadar Assistant app is configured on QRadar, use the following instructions to install QRadar Cloud Visibility: QRadar Assistant app (https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS42VS_latest/com.ibm.apps.doc/c_qradar_adm_assist_app.html).
    • If the QRadar Assistant app is not configured, download the QRadar Cloud Visibility app archive from the IBM Security App Exchange (https://apps.xforce.ibmcloud.com/) onto your local computer. You must have an IBM ID to access the App Exchange.
  2. If you downloaded the app from the App Exchange, complete the following steps:
    1. On the QRadar Console, click Admin > Extensions Management.
    2. In the Extension Management window, click Add and select the app archive that you want to upload to the console.
    3. Select the Install immediately checkbox.
      Important: You might have to wait several minutes before your app becomes active.
    4. To preview the contents of an app after it is added and before it is installed, select it from the list of extensions, and click More Details. Expand the folders to view the individual content items in each group.