Collecting DHCP logs from non-English locales

Collecting DHCP logs from some locales might require additional configuration changes to the source in WinCollect 10.

About this task

In WinCollect 10, the DHCP source determines the content of the event fields by reading the field header line from the DHCP Server log file. It does this by looking for the line prefix that is predefined in the WinCollect settings.

For most locales, the field header line starts with ID, and the field separator is a comma (,). However, this can differ in some locales. A Japanese locale DHCP Server is one such example. Since the DHCP log file is in Shift-JIS encoding, the field header line begins with ID、, and the field separator is .

You can use the following procedure to configure these settings.


  1. In the WinCollect 10 console, turn on the advanced UI by clicking the Settings icon, then moving the Advanced UI switch to the On position.
  2. Navigate to your DHCP log source, and change the File reader encoding setting to ANSI (convert to UTF8)
  3. In the Field list prefix field, add the beginning text from the DHCP log file field list line.
    In the case of a Japanese DHCP log file, the beginning text is ID、, therefore the Field list prefix value is ID、|ID,|Identyfikator,.
  4. In the Field list separator field, replace the value with the separator from the DHCP log file field list.
    In the case of a Japanese DHCP log file, the separator is , therefore the Field list separator value is .


Alternatively, you can create and run an update patch script with contents similar to this example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<WinCollectScript version="10.0.2" >
    <Update objPath="LocalSources(Name=Local)/Source(Name=TestDHCP)" >
        <Parameter name="FileReaderEncoding" value="ANSI" />
        <Parameter name="IPV4_FldListPrefix" value="ID、|ID,|Identyfikator," />
        <Parameter name="IPV4_FldListSep" value="、" />
        <Parameter name="IPV6_FldListPrefix" value="ID、|ID,|Identyfikator," />
        <Parameter name="IPV6_FldListSep" value="、" />
Update the WinCollectScript version and the source and group names.
Note: The Windows operating system running the WinCollect agent must use a code page that supports the locale the DHCP log files are written in. For example, some Windows Western code page systems might not properly remote collect DHCP log files from a Japanese Windows DHCP server.