Silently installing, upgrading, and uninstalling WinCollect software

Enter a command to complete all installation and upgrading tasks for the WinCollect stand alone patch, and the WinCollect Configuration Console, rather than using the installation wizard. You can also upgrade WinCollect agents by using the agent installer only.


  1. Download the patch software from IBM® Support (
  2. Install or upgrade both the WinCollect stand alone patch and the WinCollect Configuration Console by using the following commands:
    <setup.exe> /s /v" /qn"
  3. Change the installation directory of the WinCollect Configuration Console by using the following command:
    <setup.exe> /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=ALL INSTALLDIR=<PATH>"
  4. Install or upgrade only the WinCollect stand-alone patch by using the following command:
    <setup.exe> /s /v" /qn ADDLOCAL=WinCollect_StandAlone_Patch"
  5. If you want to uninstall the WinCollect Configuration Console, use the following command:
    <setup.exe> /s /x /v" /qn" 

    For more information about stand-alone installs, see IBM Support (