Uninstalling the app

You can use either the IBM® QRadar Assistant app or the Extensions Management tool to uninstall the IBM QRadar SOAR Plug-in app from the QRadar Console.

Important: If you plan to reinstall the app, create a backup by downloading the configuration files in the console/apphost: /store/docker/volumes/<plugin_app_id> folder. For more information, see Downloading log and configuration files.


  1. To uninstall the app by using the Extensions Management tool, follow these steps:
    1. On the Admin tab in QRadar, click Extensions Management.
    2. On the INSTALLED tab, select the app and click Uninstall.
  2. To uninstall the app by using the IBM QRadar Assistant app, follow these steps:
    1. In QRadar, click the Assistant app icon .
    2. On the Applications tab, click Manage and find the QRadar SOAR Plug-in app.
    3. In the Options column, click the ellipses icon and click Uninstall Extension.


  • The QRadar SOAR Plug-in app is uninstalled.
  • The relevant connection and destinations are removed from QRadar SIEM.
  • The inbound destination, message destination, and associated rules are removed from QRadar SOAR Plug-in.