Adding parameters to AQL-based widgets

In this example scenario, you create two parameters and add them to the Top 10 Log Sources widget in the Events and flow metrics dashboard.


  1. Click More options > Manage Parameters.
  2. Click Add and create two parameters: one called Time Period with a value of HOURS, and one called Time Value with a value of 2. Click Save after you create each parameter. The parameters are available for all widgets in your workspace.
  3. Click Back to Dashboard.
  4. On the Top 10 Log Sources widget card, click the Edit Item icon.
    In the AQL Statement field, the query looks like the following example.
    SELECT logsourcename(logsourceid) as 'MY Log Sources',
    LONG(SUM("SUM_eventcount")/(2*60*60)) event_rate
    FROM GLOBALVIEW('Top Log Sources','NORMAL')
    WHERE logSourceId not in (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69)
    GROUP BY logsourceid
    ORDER BY event_rate DESC
    LIMIT 10
  5. To modify the query in the AQL Statement field, take the following steps:
    1. Replace HOURS by clicking the Insert Parameter icon, and then click Insert for the Time Period parameter.
    2. Replace 2 with Time Value, and then click Run Query. The updated query looks like the following example:
      SELECT logsourcename(logsourceid) as 'MY Log Sources',
      LONG(SUM("SUM_eventcount")/(2*60*60)) event_rate
      FROM GLOBALVIEW('Top Log Sources','NORMAL')
      WHERE logSourceId not in (62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69)
      GROUP BY logsourceid
      ORDER BY event_rate DESC
      LIMIT 10
      {Time Value}
      {Time Period}
  6. After the query runs successfully, click Save.


The new parameters are added to the Parameters card, and are prefaced by an asterisk (*) to indicate that they are default values for the workspace. Only parameters that are used by the widgets in this dashboard appear in the Parameters card. The time selector parameter is not read-only.
Parameters card with updated parameters