Installing Java on RHEL or CentOS Linux

IBM Disconnected Log Collector requires IBM® SDK, Java™ Technology Edition, Version 8, 64-bit.

About this task

Disconnected Log Collector supports IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 8.0-6 and later.


  1. Go to, and download the SDK version of the Linux® on AMD64/EMT64Tx86 systems 64-bit installation package.
  2. Copy the installation package to your computer or VM where you plan to install the Disconnected Log Collector, and then complete the remaining steps on that computer or VM.
  3. To install Java, run the following command:
    Tip: Click the Copy to clipboard icon at the upper right of your code block, then replace the <version> value with the correct version number for the installable package, such as 7.16. Then, you can run the command.
    yum -y install ibm-java-x86_64-sdk.<version>.x86_64.rpm

    Use the default installation location, which is /opt/ibm/java-x86_64-80/.

    For more information about installing and configuring IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version 8, see the SDK User Guide (

What to do next

After you install Java, you can install Disconnected Log Collector. For more information, see Installing or upgrading Disconnected Log Collector on RHEL or CentOS Linux.