Creating an instance

With Assistant V3.0.0 and later in a multi-tenant environment, Admin users can create instance from a multi-tenanted app.

Before you begin

You must complete the steps described in Configuring QRadar for creating multiple instances. Only Admin users can create new instances.

About this task

Every extension instance must be associated with a security profile. If an instance requires an authorized service token, the authorized service must be assigned with the same security profile.

The option Create New Instance is not available in the following situations.
  • The extension does not support multitenancy: The extension is not multitenancy aware and the option Create New Instance is not available.
  • The extension only allows one instance to be created: Apps like Pulse, Log Source Management App, and Assistant that are for administrative purposes can only have one instance.
Note: For more information about multitenancy support, see Support for app Multi-tenancy.


  1. Click the Assistant app icon Assistant app icon, and then click Applications.
  2. Ensure you're in the List View in Application Manager.
  3. In the Installed Extensions section, click the ellipsis icon in the Options column of the extension for which you want to create an instance, and then click Create New Instance.
  4. In the Create New Instance window, follow the onscreen instructions to specify the Security profile and User role, and then click Confirm and Create. After the instance is created, you can expand the table and see a new row for this instance.
    Regarding the Installed Extension table,
    • The Total Memory column shows the overall storage space used for all instances on the corresponding extension. You can expand each row of the extension table to see more details.
    • Each row of the instance table is a grouped result. If an installed extension has two or more apps, it would still show only one row in the instance table but the memory consumption is a summation of all apps.
  5. Optional: Deploy changes in QRadar administrator page if the user roles are newly added.