Visualizing DNS analytics data in the dashboard

You can view DNS analytical statistics in the QRadar® DNS Analyzer app dashboard or view the dynamic charts that present the analytics data on the QRadar console.


  1. After you install the QRadar DNS Analyzer app, click the DNS Analyzer tab.

  1. Click Dashboard to view DNS analytical statistics and DNS traffic charts.
  2. In the upper section of the Dashboard tab, you can view DNS analytical statistics. QRadar DNS Analyzer dashboard
    Option Description
    Domains Observed (Last Day)

    The total number of the domains that are observed until the end of last operation day.

    Domains Processed (Last Day)

    The total number of the domains that are processed until the end of last operation day.

    Events (Last Hour)

    The total number of the events that are created until the end of last operation hour.

    Events (Last Day)

    The total number of the events that are created until the end of last operation day.

    Domain Detection

    DGA, Squatting, Tunneling, and Deny list.

  3. In the lower section of the Dashboard tab, you can view DNS Traffic Charts. Click the Day and Week button to specify the time frame.DNS Traffic Charts
    Note: "UNKNOWN" will be displayed when a request type is not available in an event ingested from QRadar. This can occur when the log source type is not a DNS server.
  4. Click the Main Menu on the QRadar Console, and then select DNS Analyzer as a favorite to make it visible in QRadar.
    Note: The Dashboard is automatically refreshed every minute and shows you the following domain data.
  5. Optional: For optimal presentation of the DNS analytics data, configure your QRadar dashboard items with the following chart types.
    Table 1. Optimal dashboard item settings
    Dashboard items Chart type
    Malicious Domain Requests by Source IP Table
    Malicious Domain Requests by Source IP Bar
    Malicious Domain Requests by Source IP Time Series
    Malicious Domain Requests by Domain Time Series
    Malicious Domain Requests by Domain Table
    Malicious Domain Requests by Domain Pie
    Table 2. Dashboard item descriptions
    Dashboard items Descriptions
    Malicious Domain Requests by Source IP Statistics of the requests that are made by the malicious Domain Name Services (DNS) server IP address.
    Malicious Domain Requests by Domain Statistics of the requests that are made by the malicious domain name.
    Malicious Domain Requests by Type Statistics of the requests that are made by the malicious domain type.