QRadar Pulse dashboard components and workspaces
The IBM® QRadar® Pulse workspace comprises dashboards and widgets. Use it to create an inventory of unique dashboards to track endpoint, user, cloud, department, and company-wide security and operational data.
Your workspace is what you see when you click the Pulse tab on the IBM QRadar Console. Only you can see your workspace, but you can choose to share dashboards with colleagues or expand specific dashboards onto a monitor on a SOC wall. Create AQL parameters for your workspace that make it simpler to create AQL dashboard items and to update multiple AQL queries at the same time.

Dashboard templates
Use the default dashboard templates in QRadar Pulse as a starting point to build your own customized dashboard inventory for your workspace. Each dashboard template offers several different dashboard items, which you can add to different dashboards. Remove the dashboard items that don't apply to your organization.
The QRadar Pulse dashboards get their data from IBM QRadar, so some of them might display data, such as the Events and flow metrics dashboard, immediately depending on how you set QRadar up to receive data. Other QRadar Pulse dashboards must be edited to get data to appear in the charts.
Dashboards contain widgets that monitor and display security events and issues that are important to your organization. For example, the Offense overview dashboard contains widgets that monitor the top offense categories, most severe offenses, and so on. Create your own dashboards specific to your organizational and network needs. Add widgets from other dashboard templates or create your own. Open dashboard links or import dashboards that colleagues share with you to eliminate the need for re-creating existing content.
Widgets contain a data source (AQL, QRadar offense, dynamic search, or generic API) and one or more charts. You can add more charts as different views, such as a pie or bar chart. For example, the Events per User widget in the Miscellanous metrics dashboard can display as a pie chart or a bar chart. The bar chart view compares sets of data between groups, such as usernames and the number of events per user. The pie chart view displays the same information, but in percentages.
Parameters make it easier to create widgets by reusing common elements in multiple AQL or Generic API queries. You no longer need to create individual queries for similar entities. Any query that uses the parameter can automatically use the parameter's value.