Running the Silent Upgrade

You can upgrade stand-alone WinCollect agents to WinCollect 10 from version 7.3.0 or later.

About this task

To upgrade to WinCollect 10, you must run the .msi upgrade script from an administrative command prompt.
Note: When you upgrade your WinCollect 7.3.x agent to WinCollect 10, the installer converts your AgentConfig.xml file to the new WinCollect 10 AgentConfig.xml format. The installer also makes a backup of the 7.3.x AgentConfig.xml and places it in a patch directory under the default installation location with the date and time of the upgrade.

WinCollect 10 now uses a virtual account. With this change, aspects of the WinCollect agent that interact with the file system (file based sources, mTLS, and so on...) require extra privileges in order to continue to function properly.

To ensure WinCollect continues to function properly, the WinCollect virtual account can be added to the Administrators group. Alternatively, if the WinCollect virtual account is not added to the Administrators group, access to the necessary directories need to be added manually. This decision must be made during the WinCollect installation or upgrade.

The ADMIN_GROUP command line parameter must be specified with either a true or false value when installing WinCollect on a system that is not a domain controller. The upgrade fails when this command line parameter is not specified on systems that are not a domain controller.

A value of true adds the WinCollect virtual account to the Administrators group, whereas a value of false will not.


To run the WinCollect 10 silent upgrade, type one of the following commands in the administrative command prompt:
  • Type the following command to add the WinCollect virtual account to the Administrators group.

    msiexec.exe /qn /i WinCollect-10.X.X-X.x64.msi ADMIN_GROUP="true"
  • Type the following command to not add the WinCollect virtual account to the Administrators group.

    msiexec.exe /qn /i WinCollect-10.X.X-X.x64.msi ADMIN_GROUP="false"
The WinCollect agent is silently updated in the background. After the upgrade is complete, you can close the command prompt window.