Creating JavaScript Tables

You use the Create JavaScript Table wizard to add a new JavaScript Table and specify its structure.

About this task

To create a JavaScript Table:


  1. Select File > New > Other. In the opened window select JavaScript Tables and click Next.
    The Create New JavaScript Table wizard opens.
  2. On the Add New JavaScript Table page, specify the name for the table you create and select a JavaScript data source or a virtual data source where you want to save it. Click Next.
    Note: The Data Source list contains only virtual data sources from the current repository connection.
  3. On the JavaScript Table Structure page, define the table structure including the list of columns, their order, value types and required parameters. You can also add comments to any column.
  4. Click Finish to close the wizard.
    The JavaScript Table with the specified name and structure is added to the selected JavaScript data source or virtual data source. After closing the wizard, JavaScript Table editor opens.
  5. In the JavaScript Table editor, you create scripts to populate the JavaScript Table with the required data.
  6. When you finish working with script, save the changes and close the editor.


Now you can use the created JavaScript Table as a typical relational table. For example, you can run queries based on the created JavaScript Table, use them to create quick reports, forecasts, or add to visual dashboards.