Creating a new visual dashboard template

Users can create visual dashboards with predefined content, such as company logos, standardized text, and special graphics. Each visual dashboard can then be saved as a template that can be used by others to facilitate easy authoring of visual dashboards.

About this task

To create a new visual dashboard template:


  1. Select File > Save As. The Select a wizard window opens.
    From the Select a wizard window, select which wizard to use, select the Save as template check box and then click Next:
    • Save to File

      Select this option if you want to use the Save to File wizard to save the Visual Dashboard locally to a file.

      See step 2.

    • Save to Repository

      Select this option if you want to use the Save to Repository wizard to save the Visual Dashboard to a repository.

      See step 3.

  2. On the Save to File page, enter the file location in the Path: field or select Browse. . to locate the file and click Finish.
    For example, in a Windows operating system the path would be one of the following:
    • For Windows XP or earlier:
      C:\Documents and Settings\[user_name]\Application Data\IBM\
      QMF for Workstation\Templates\VD Templates\VisualDashboard1
    • For Windows Vista or later:
      C:\Users\[user_name]\Application Data\IBM\
      QMF for Workstation\Templates\ VD Templates\VisualDashboard1

    You can replace VisualDashboard1 with any name. It is recommended that the path be to the local directory as this is where QMF for Workstation will look for all local templates in order to display them to users when they create a new Visual Dashboard.

    You have saved the Visual Dashboard template to a file.
  3. On the Save to Repository page, set up the repository object parameters.

    The Select parent entry list displays a list of categories that you have set up to organize your repository templates.

    If you have not set up any categories this list is blank.

  4. Conditional: Click the Create New Visual Dashboard Template Categories icon to create a category.

    The Create New Visual Dashboard Template Category wizard opens.

  5. Specify a name for the template category. Optionally you can set a comment in the Comment field.
  6. Click Finish.

    The new Visual Dashboard template category has been created. It is displayed in the Select parent entry list.

  7. Specify a name for the dashboard in the Name field. Optionally you can set a comment in the Comment field.
  8. Click Finish.

    The new Visual Dashboard template is saved. It will be presented to users when they create a new visual dashboard.