Building a compound condition filter
A compound condition filter allows you to filter query results using multiple conditions.
About this task
- Open the Dynamart Filter Wizard, select
the Enable filtering check box, select Compound
condition filter and click Next.
The Edit dynamart filter page opens.
- Select the column that you want to filter from the Column drop-down list.
- Select the operator of the filter from the Operator drop-down
list. Valid options include:
- Not Less Than - All values that are equal to or greater than the specified value are included.
- Greater Than - All values that are greater than the specified value are included.
- Not Greater Than - All values that are equal to or less than the specified value are included.
- Less Than - All values that are less than the specified value are included.
- Equal To - Only values that are equal to the specified value are included.
- Not Equal To - All values that are not equal to the specified value are included.
- Like - All values that match the specified pattern are included. The
pattern can contain the following special characters:
- % matches zero (0) or more characters.
- _ matches only one (1) character.
- ? matches only one (1) character.
- Case-Insensitive Like - A case-insensitive version of the Like operator.
- Unlike - All values that are not like the specified value are included.
- Is Null - Only null values are included.
- Is Not Null - All of the values that are not null are included.
- In Range - All of the values that fall within the two specified values, along with the values themselves, are included.
- Outside Range - All of the values that fall outside of the two values, along with the values themselves, are included.
- Between - All of the values that fall within the two specified values are included.
- Not Between - All of the values that fall outside of the two specified values are included.
- In - One or several values that are specified by a user are included. To filter your query result set by several distinct values, you must create a simple prompt of Enumeration type, select Prompt from the Type1 list, and then select your prompt from the Value1 list. If you select Column from the Type1 list, the result set will include the rows that contain matching values in both columns. If you select Constant from the Type1 list, the result set will include the rows that contain the specified value.
Select the type of value that you want to specify from the Type1
Valid options include:
- Constant - The specified value is a set constant, such as a numeral or character.
- Column - The specified value is another column in the result set.
- Prompt - The specified value or values are provided by a simple prompt or a prompt hierarchy that is associated with the query.
- Specify the value of the expression in the Value1 column.
- If you selected an applicable operator type, specify a type and value in the Type2 and Value2 columns.
- If you have multiple expressions listed, select the condition from which the expressions are run from the Condition drop-down list.
- Click Move Up or Move Down to change the order in which the different expressions are run.
- Click Down Level or Up
Level to change the priority level of each expression.
An expression with a lower level number has more priority than an expression with a higher level number.
- To remove an expression, select it and click Remove.
- Once you are done building and arranging your expressions,
click Finish. The Dynamart Filter Wizard closes and the query results are filtered.