
This topic lists and describes the messages and return codes issued by the program components of QMF for Workstation and QMF for WebSphere®.

QMF for Workstation and QMF for WebSphere messages are numbered as follows:


The abbreviation of the component of the application that threw the error. This can be an indication of the first place to look in order to resolve the error.
The specific number of the error message.

For example: ABC0001

All of the error messages of each component are listed in alphabetical order. To look up more information about a specific error message and how to resolve it, search for the component prefix and number of the message in this publication.
Note: Since QMF supports Db2 databases, Db2 error messages are included in the application. Db2 error messages have a component prefix of DB2. (for example, DB20001) If you encounter a message with this component prefix, refer to the Db2 online documentation at If you are using the DB2 Type 4 UDB driver or the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver, to receive extended SQL exception error messages, check the retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage option in the Advanced JDBC Settings window of the Edit Repository Connection wizard.