Specifying Save Data resource limits

The Save Data resource limits specify whether you as a member of the current resource limits group and using the current schedule can save data at the database data source.

Save Data resource limits can be set for data sources. The Save Data resource limits are as follows:

Allow save data command
This field specifies whether you can save data at the database data source. Saving data can be extremely resource-intensive. As a result it can have a significant impact on your database and network.
Default table space
Note: This field is displayed only when you connect to a Db2 for z/OS database V12 FL 503 or less. UTS is not available in QMF Analytics for Multiplatforms.
This field specifies the default table space name that will be used for tables created with the save data command. This field is only available if the Allow save data command has been selected. The syntax of the table space name that you specify must conform to the database rules for table space names. Any value that you specify is used as part of the CREATE TABLE SQL statement that runs when you save data to a new table. Entering an asterisk (* ) specifies that the default table space will be taken from a user's profile in the RDBI.PROFILE_TABLE or Q.PROFILES that are specified by the administrator when your profile was created.
Default table space can be overridden
Note: This field is displayed only when you connect to a Db2 for z/OS database with V12 FL 503 or less. UTS is not available in QMF Analytics for Multiplatforms.
This field specifies whether you can override the default table space. If selected, you can specify any table space name subject to database security authorizations. If this check box is not selected, you must use the table space name specified in the Default table space field.
Allow to replace any existing data
This field specifies whether a user can override the existing data when the objects are exported or imported to the database. If this option is selected, a user can replace the existing data with the new one in the database. If this check box is clear, a user can only append new data to the existing one.